I’m seeing an error(severity="INFO") in the GCP Logs Explorer for my MySQL Instance
[Note] [MY-000000] [Server] IAM Group Auth: Access denied /Unable to create user entry in the database for the user __google_connectivity_prober: Error_code=UNKNOWN ErrorMessage=unable to perform sync for IAM user because no IAM Groups existWhat is this user and why is my log exploding with logs about it?
This message pop at a rate of about 6 times per minute
How can I fix this? Do I need to add him as a user to the SQL instance?
I found nothing online about this
Based on the error, it looks like an Authentication issue. IAM can’t identify the user __google_connectivity_prober in your MySQL instance. You may want to check if access is provisioned or if the user even exists in your IAM & Admin. If this is a service account, make sure its provisioned with the proper roles for it to function. Attached is a documentation that can be helpful for your use case.[1][2]
[1] https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/authentication
[2] https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/add-manage-iam-users#creating-a-database-user
I have been having the same problem and was able to get in touch with google support. Here is an excerpt of their response:
tl;dr: this is a known bug on google’s side of things and hopefully they should have a fix ready soon. In the meantime we just have to ignore those log entries.