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Sample Records

I need to get the first record which has a not null frequency order by length ASC. Incase there is no not null frequency record, then fetch the top length ASC record.
Here is what I tried:

select word, length, frequency 
from `dataset` 
where `word` LIKE '%aeto%' 
   and `length` >= 3 
ORDER BY length ASC,frequency desc;
select word, length, frequency 
from `dataset` 
where `word` LIKE '%aeto%' 
   and `length` >= 3 
         ELSE frequency
    , length asc, `frequency` desc

Final solution what I can think of in my mind is:

  • Run query to get a record where not null frequency and order by length ASC. Incase we do not have one, then try the first query and get the first result.

Expected Result:
As per sample , I need PHAETON as result, If I omit PHAETON and PRAETORIAN (both has non null frequency), then I need PRAETOR as the result

Table Structure and Data :



  1. You can substitute frequency null values by some latest value coalesce(frequence,0.0).
    Then order result BY coalesce(frequency,0.0) desc, length asc.

    See examples:

    Frequency is not null

    select word, length, frequency 
    from `dataset` 
    where `word` LIKE '%aeto%' 
       and `length` >= 3 
    ORDER BY coalesce(frequency,0.0) desc, length asc
    limit 1
    word length frequency
    PHAETON 7 2.56

    Frequency is null, take length for order

    select word, length, frequency 
    from `dataset` 
    where `word` LIKE '%chaet%' 
       and `length` >= 3 
    ORDER BY coalesce(frequency,0.0) desc, length asc
    limit 1
    word length frequency
    CHAETA 6 null

    Case when search word not exist in table

    select word, length, frequency 
    from `dataset` 
    where `word` LIKE '%notfound%' 
       and `length` >= 3 
    ORDER BY coalesce(frequency,0.0) desc, length asc
    limit 1
    word length frequency


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  2. Combine two queries, one gets the first record with non-null frequency, the other gets the first record with null frequency. Then select the first one if it exists.

    SELECT word, length, frequency
    FROM (
        SELECT word, length, frequency, 1 AS pref
        FROM dataset
        WHERE frequency IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY length
        LIMIT 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT word, length, frequency, 2 AS pref
        FROM dataset
        WHERE frequency IS NULL
        ORDER BY length
        LIMIT 1
    ) AS x
    ORDER BY pref
    LIMIT 1


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