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Here is a simple question I got but I want to know if there is anyone could tell me the mechanism behind the distinct and group by in window function.

I’ve read several posts but didn’t get any related to my doubt.

Here is my question:

Regarding the following input/output:
enter image description here

This was coming out by the following SQL query:

, first_value(event_date) over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as first_login
from Activity
group by player_id

I know that it can be solved by simple aggregation, don’t get me wrong.
I just wonder why the ‘group by’ seems not working in this question, while the ‘distinct’ can work and pass the testing. Thank you in advance.

DISTINCT player_id
, first_value(event_date) over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as first_login
from Activity

If I use cute or subquery, then the ‘group by’ works:

, first_value(event_date) over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as first_login
from Activity) as cte
group by player_id, first_login

Dummy Data

Activity AS (
    SELECT 1 AS player_id, 2 AS device_id, '2016-03-01' AS event_date, 5 AS games_played UNION ALL
    SELECT 1, 2, '2016-05-02', 6 UNION ALL
    SELECT 1, 3, '2015-06-25', 1 UNION ALL
    SELECT 3, 1, '2016-03-02', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 3, 4, '2016-02-03', 5 )



  1. SELECT player_id
         , MIN(event_date) AS first_login
    FROM activity
    GROUP BY player_id
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  2. The explanation of the difference between your queries is that there is a sequence to the operations.

    1. GROUP BY reduces rows to one row per value in the grouping column (player_id). In your example, this results in an erroneous value, ‘2016-03-01’ which is not the minimum value, it’s just the value from the first row read during execution. This error is caused because you didn’t use sql_mode=ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.
    2. Window functions apply to the rows after aggregation. If you use a window function that partitions by the same column as your grouping column, then the partitions are by definition a single row.
    3. DISTINCT applies after window functions, reducing rows to those with a unique combination of values. This eliminates repeating rows.
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