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I have a situation where we are storing tags in a JSON array, and the client started using this as a key-value store. I now need to add a way to search this data case-insensitively.

As an example, if the JSON column contains

  "tags": ["Key1:value1", "Key2:value2"]

How can I successfully search for "Key1:VaLuE1" in the array?

I’m currently querying it like this, where meta is the JSON column:

select * from events where "Key1:value1" member of (meta->"$.tags");

I’ve tried adding collate utf8mb4_general_ci to both sides of the where condition, but it doesn’t work. I’ve also tried doing a LIKE comparison, but that won’t work since I need to make sure it only retrieves the complete string (e.g. not "Key1:val"). I would also like to avoid altering the table to change the collation for the entire JSON column, but will consider this if it’s the only option.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Following Muhammad Danial Shauket's thinking, I realized I could lower just the JSON array that I was extracting from the column, like so.

    select * from events where lower("Key1:VaLuE1") member of(lower(meta->"$.tags"));

    This works perfectly! Thanks to samhita for the fiddle:

  2. You can solve your issue of case-insensitive search within a JSON array while you can ensure that the string comparison checks the exact matches (and not partial matches), so you can use a combination of JSON_EXTRACT and LOWER functions

    try this

    SELECT * 
    FROM events 
    WHERE LOWER(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(meta, '$.tags'))) = LOWER('Key1:VaLuE1');
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