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I’ve made a TCP server for a turn-based game in C#. The server uses MySql for the database and uses stored procedures for all database interactions. All database interactions are contained within a repository layer which is injected into a service layer. These services are then injected throughout the server. The database interactions currently include Inserts/Selects/Updates for the following

  • Logging
  • Account System
  • Match history
  • Player Stats

I need the server to scale to thousands of concurrent clients. I began load testing and quickly hit a wall with the MySql error ‘Too Many Connections’. At any given time, the server may need to call X amount of stored procedures, but there is a limit on how many connections I can have open at any given time.

What I’ve considered:

  • The only solution I’ve thought of so far is to have some kind of event system queue where you can add a database request to a queue, the queue fires off these requests based on a max connection number and an event gets fired when each request is complete containing the return data. However, I’ve not done this before so I don’t have a clear idea on implementation.

What answer I’m hoping to get:

A solution on how I could scale the server to handle X amount of database calls when there is a limited number of available connections. Ideally with a written example in C# or pseudo code.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    As AndrewR suggested, I had a look at connection pools and I ended up writing my own. Not sure if it's particiularly efficient but I've tested it with a load of 10,000 users (bots) and it seems to be working. Here it is:


    • This solution is coupled with MySqlConnection. You can replace with this with any data access class of your choosing
    • The max connections the pool will handle is determined by the parameter passed into InstantiateConnectionsAsync.


    public interface IDbConnection : IDisposable
        int Id { get; set; }
        MySqlConnection Connector { get; }
        void Connect(int id);
        void Disconnect();
        void Release();
    public interface IDbConnectionPool : IDisposable
        Task<IDbConnection> GetConnectionAsync();
        void ReleaseConnection(IDbConnection connection);


    using MySqlConnector;
    using System.Timers;
    public class DbConnection : IDbConnection
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public MySqlConnection Connector { get; private set; }
        private readonly Config config;
        private System.Timers.Timer timeout { get; set; }
        private readonly object connectionLock = new();
        public DbConnection(
            Config config)
            this.config = config;
            Id = -1;
            timeout = new System.Timers.Timer();
            timeout.Elapsed += TimeoutElapsed;
            timeout.Interval = config.Database.OpenConnectionTimeout;
            timeout.AutoReset = false;
        public void Connect(int id)
            lock (connectionLock)
                Connector ??= new MySqlConnection();
                if (Connector.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    Connector = new MySqlConnection(config.Database.DbConnectionString);
                Id = id;
        public void Release()
            Id = -1;
        private void TimeoutElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        public void Disconnect()
            lock (connectionLock)
                if (Id < 0)
        public void Dispose()
            Connector = null;


    using MySqlConnector;
    public class DbConnectionPool : IDbConnectionPool
        private readonly Config config;
        private Queue<int> waiting;
        private readonly object idLock = new();
        private readonly object waitingLock = new();
        private readonly object connectionsLock = new();
        private IList<IDbConnection> connections;
        private bool active;
        private int ticketId = 0;
        public DbConnectionPool(
            Config config)
            this.config = config;
            waiting = new Queue<int>();
            connections = new List<IDbConnection>();
            active = true;
            _ = Task.Run(ConnectionHandler);
        public async Task<IDbConnection> GetConnectionAsync()
            int id;
            id = GenerateTicketId();
            while (!IsConnectionReady(id))
                await Task.Delay(config.Database.ConnectionWaitTime);
            return connections.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);
        public void ReleaseConnection(IDbConnection connection)
            lock (connectionsLock)
        private int GenerateTicketId()
            lock (idLock)
                if (ticketId >= int.MaxValue - 1)
                    return ticketId = 0;
                return ++ticketId;
        private void InstantiateConnectionsAsync(int maxConnections)
            int count = 0;
            while (count < maxConnections)
        private void Enqueue(int id)
                lock (waitingLock)
            catch (Exception e)
                // getting a weird/inconsistent error around here
        private void ConnectionHandler()
            while (active)
                if (waiting.Count < 1)
                IDbConnection connection = null;
                lock (connectionsLock)
                    while (waiting.Count > 0 && GetAvailableConnection(ref connection) != null)
                        var id = -1;
                        lock (waitingLock)
                            id = waiting.Dequeue();
                        connection = null;
        private IDbConnection GetAvailableConnection(ref IDbConnection connection) => connection = connections.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id < 0);
        private bool IsConnectionReady(int id) => connections.Any(a => a.Id == id);     
        public void Dispose()
            active = false;
            lock (connectionsLock)
                Parallel.ForEach(connections ?? new List<IDbConnection>(), connection =>
                connections = null;

    Create a singleton of DbConnectionPool. You can then get a connection by calling GetConnectionAsync(). Here is how calling GetConnectionAsync might look:

    public async Task<bool> SomeMethodAsync()
                var con = await pool.GetConnectionAsync();
                using var cmd = new MySqlCommand("UpdateSomething", con.Connector)
                    CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                var result = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync() > 0;
                await cmd.DisposeAsync();
                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Do something with the exception
                return false;

  2. You are looking for a connection pool – a layer in your application which will open a fixed number of connections and allow higher layers to use those.

    Higher layer will request a connection from the pool, execute operations and release the connection back to the pool.

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