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I would like to give each player a rank / position based on the values of other columns, 1 being the best position. Each prize or penalty is worth a different amount. Can this be done in SQL and how would I go about putting this into a query? Here is the ratio that i had in mind:

((gold * 8) + (silver * 4) + (bronze * 2)) – ((disq * 4) + penalty) = points

The ‘points’ are insignificant, ideally I would be able to update the query if the ratio changes.

id name gold silver bronze disq penalty rank
1 ben 1 4 8 5
2 kim 4 1 3 1 2
3 sarah 2 2 1
4 matt 10 2 1 3
5 jane 2 3 5 1



  1. you can try this.

    with table_1 (ID,Name,gold,silver,bronze,disq,penalty)
      Select           '1','ben',   '1','4'  ,'8','0','5'
      union all Select '2','kim',   '4','1'  ,'3','1','2'
      union all Select '3','sarah', '2','2'  ,'1','0','0'
      union all Select '4','matt',  '0','10' ,'2','1','3'
      union all Select '5','jane',  '2','3'  ,'5','0','1'
        RANK() Over (order by x.points desc) as rank
    from (
            ((gold * 8) + (silver * 4) + (bronze * 2)) -((disq * 4) + penalty) as points
        ) x
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  2. I would like to give each player a rank / position based on the values
    of other columns, 1 being the best position

    You could use the rank window function as follow:

    select id, 
            rnk as `rank`, 
            rank()over( order by rnk desc) as new_rank
    from ( select id,
                  ((coalesce(gold,0) * 8) + (coalesce(silver,0) * 4) + (coalesce(bronze,0) * 2)) - ((coalesce(disq,0) * 4) + coalesce(penalty,0)) as rnk
           from test 
         ) as tbl;

    Note , you need to use coalesce for the null values

    Or you could update your table with the rank

    update test t
    inner join ( select id, 
                        rnk as `rank`, 
                        rank()over( order by rnk desc) as new_rank
                 from ( select id,
                               ((coalesce(gold,0) * 8) + (coalesce(silver,0) * 4) + (coalesce(bronze,0) * 2)) - ((coalesce(disq,0) * 4) + coalesce(penalty,0)) as rnk
                        from test 
                       ) as tbl
                ) as t2 on
    set t.`rank`=t2.`new_rank`;


     id    name    gold   silver    bronze    disq    penalty rank
     4     matt    null    10         2        1         3    1
     5     jane    2        3         5       null       1    1
     2     kim     4        1         3        1         2    3
     1     ben     1        4         8       null       5    4
     3     sarah   2        2         1      null       null  5

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