I am new to MySQL and can’t find the right answer so im hoping you guys can help me out.
I have 3 tables.
- Applications (columns: appli_num (PK), appli_title)
- Modules (columns: appli_num (PK), modu_num (PK), modu_title) and modules is a child from applications
- Data_fields (columns: appli_num (PK), modu_num (PK), data_num(PK), data_title) and data_fields is a child from modules
I have tried many things but I can’t figure out how to create the following JSON column.
"modu_num": 1,
"modu_title": "Module 1",
"data_fields": [
"data_num": 1,
"data_title": "data title 1"
"data_num": 2,
"data_title": "data title 2"
"data_num": 3,
"data_title": "data title 3"
"modu_num": 2,
"modu_title": "Module 2",
"data_fields": [
"data_num": 4,
"data_title": "data title 4"
"data_num": 5,
"data_title": "data title 5"
"data_num": 6,
"data_title": "data title 6"
As a second column I only want to get the appli_num column.
Let me know if you need more information!
Thanks in advance!
I have tried this and many more already and it did not meet my needs. link
@Bill it worked but now i want to add extra childs. I tried copying the select as t and change the fieldnames etc. but it did not work.
I added this to the json_Object in the first SELECT statement.
This is what i would like to create
When building JSON array aggregation with multiple levels of nesting, you must have multiple levels of subqueries to generate the aggregation at each level.