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Imaging a query that delivers "posts" in a specific time period between "from" and "to". A simple query.

Additionally, I need to get ONE record BEFORE and ONE record AFTER what the original query specified.

For example, a table holds these posts:

1 hello  20.08.2023
2 hi     21.08.2023
3 please 22.08.2023
4 bye    23.08.2023

For get_posts("from" => '21.08.2023', to => '22.08.2023') the origin query delivers:

2 hi
3 please

Now I need to add one row before (1 hello) and one row after (4 bye). Possibly as subquery inside the original query?

I read about window functions or subqueries, but I do not know how to start.



  1. SELECT post_id, post_date
    FROM (
    --All posts between the timeframe
    SELECT post_id, post_date
    FROM posts
    WHERE post_date BETWEEN '2020-03-04 19:19:34' AND '2020-03-06 19:19:34'
    --One before the from date
    SELECT post_id, post_date
    FROM posts
    WHERE post_date = (
        SELECT MAX(post_date)
        FROM posts
        WHERE post_date < '2020-03-04 19:19:34'
    --one after the to date
    SELECT post_id, post_date
    FROM posts
    WHERE post_date = (
        SELECT MIN(post_date)
        FROM posts
        WHERE post_date > '2020-03-06 19:19:34'
    ) AS combined_posts
    ORDER BY post_date;

    You can also make the query shorter by using lag and lead functions instead of subqueries.

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  2. Assuming current Postgres.

    ( -- one lead
    SELECT *
    FROM   posts
    WHERE  time_stamp < '2020-08-21'
    ORDER  BY time_stamp DESC
    LIMIT  1
    )  -- parentheses required
    UNION ALL  -- core rows
    SELECT *
    FROM   posts
    WHERE  time_stamp >= '2020-08-21'
    AND    time_stamp <  '2020-08-24'  -- !
    ( -- one lag
    SELECT *
    FROM   posts
    WHERE  time_stamp >= '2020-08-24'
    ORDER  BY time_stamp
    LIMIT  1
    )  -- parentheses required

    Typically, you don’t need an outer ORDER BY with this. But consider:

    Unless the table is trivially small, you need an index on posts(time_stamp) to make this fast.

    Beware of BETWEEN when working with timestamp types. What you show looks like date, but timestamptz would make a lot more sense for the use case.

    Always use ISO format with date and time literals, which is unambiguous with any locale and datestyle setting. The meaning of '20.08.2023' depends on settings of the current session and breaks easily.


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