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Someone brought up a SQL challenge and I couldn’t come up with a good solution to it. They wanted to see the best way to detect a split in a game of bowling.

For some background, what I could find on defining a split from usbc:

2h. Split
A split is a setup of pins left standing after the first delivery, provided the head pin is down and at least one pin is down:
1. Between two or more standing pins; e.g., 7-9 or 3-10.
2. Immediately ahead of two or more standing pins; e.g., 5-6.

So presume we have a table as such…

gameid | throwNum | frame | pinsHit
1      | 1        | 1     | 1,2,3,6,7,9,10 -- 4,5,6 standing
1      | 1        | 2     | 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 -- 3,10 standing
1      | 1        | 3     | 1,2,3,5,8,9 -- 4,6,7,10 standing
1      | 1        | 4     | 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 -- 2,3 standing
1      | 1        | 5     | 1,2,3,4,5,8,10 -- 6,7,9 standing

For simplicity I only wrote out the first throw of each frame. All of these should constitute a split, but I can’t think of the SQL to detect that without hard coding it.

I feel like I need to loop through the standing pins to look for the adjacent option first. Then I need to compare the other pin. I think this still requires hard coding, and I don’t want to do this for every possible scenario



  1. The algorithm below has three parts:

    1. Using a recursive cte, the pin hits are normalized, standing pins are added, and the gaps between runs of standing and hit pins are found.
    2. Then, in frame_results, the gap ids are grouped, and the size of the gaps and the type of gap (standing or hit pins) are recorded.
    3. Finally, in the main query, there is a check to ensure the head pin is hit and either a hit pin exists directly after a run of standing pins of length 2 or more or there is a hit pin between two or more standing pins.

    with recursive cte(gameid, thrownum, frame, pinsHit, ps, ct, rid, f) as (
       select r.*, case when cast(regexp_substr(r.pinsHit, '^\d+') as float) = 1 then regexp_replace(r.pinsHit, '^\d+,*', '') else r.pinsHit end, 1, 
         cast(regexp_substr(r.pinsHit, '^\d+') as float) = 1, cast(regexp_substr(r.pinsHit, '^\d+') as float) = 1
       from rounds r
       union all
       select c.gameid, c.thrownum, c.frame, c.pinsHit, 
          case when cast(regexp_substr(, '^\d+') as float) = c.ct + 1 then regexp_replace(, '^\d+,*', '') else end, c.ct + 1, 
          c.rid + (case when cast(regexp_substr(, '^\d+') as float) = c.ct + 1 then c.f != 1 else c.f != 0 end), 
         coalesce(cast(regexp_substr(, '^\d+') as float) = c.ct + 1, 0)
       from cte c where c.ct + 1 < 11
    frame_results as (
       select c.gameid, c.thrownum, c.frame, c.rid, count(*) c1, max(c.f) m1, max(c.ct) m2 
       from cte c group by c.gameid, c.thrownum, c.frame, c.rid
    select r.*, cast(regexp_substr(r.pinsHit, '^\d+') as float) = 1 and 
       exists (select 1 from frame_results r1 where r1.gameid = r.gameid and 
         r1.thrownum = r.thrownum and r1.frame = r.frame and 
         ((r1.c1 > 1 and r1.m1 = 0 and r1.m2 + 1 < 11) or r1.rid >= 4)) is_split
    from rounds r

    See fiddle (Includes additional test cases)

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  2. I want to propose a solution that can be simply applied to determine whether the standing pins combination is Split.

    There 1024 possible combinations of pins in bowling field.
    Some of these combinations are called Split. According to the meaning of the term, it is clear that the remaining figures should be divided into 2 or more groups.However, there are some additional conditions, such as that Pin 1 must be hited. In the terminology used by the players, there are combinations that formally do not fit the condition, but are also called Split. Some of the most common, as well as the most difficult combinations to continue the game, have their own names.

    Therefore, I suggest creating a table of possible combinations and determining in it whether this combination is Split. Having such a table, the solution to the problem is quite simple.

    select r.*,isSplit
    from rounds r
    left join Splits s on r.pinsHit=s.pinsHit
    order by gameid,thrownum,frame;

    For example

    gameid throwNum frame pinsHit isSplit pinsStand vHit vStand SplitName Id
    1 1 1 1,2,3,6,7,9,10 0 4,5,8 871 152 871
    1 1 2 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 1 3,10 507 516 Baby Splits 507
    1 1 3 1,2,3,5,8,9 1 4,6,7,10 407 616 407
    1 1 4 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 2,3 1017 6 1017
    1 1 5 1,2,3,4,5,8,10 1 6,7,9 671 352 671
    1 1 6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 1023 0 1023
    1 1 7 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 0 7 959 64 959
    1 1 8 1,2,3,8,10 0 4,5,6,7,9 647 376 647
    1 1 9 1,2,5,8 1 3,4,6,7,9,10 147 876 Greek cathedral 147

    Such a table Splits can be created and filled like this:

    1.Define pins and pins neighbourhood. This is the field where we will place the elements of the standPins set

    create table pins(pin int);
    insert into pins values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10);
    create table PinLink (pin1 int,pin2 int);
    insert into PinLink values

    2.And check the complete connectivity of the set on this undirected graph.
    Perhaps this is the most interesting part of the task.

    create table Splits(id int,vHit int,pinsHit varchar(30),vStand int
      ,pinsStand varchar(30),standCount int,isSplit int,SplitName varchar(30));
     SET SESSION cte_max_recursion_depth = 1024;
    insert into Splits (id,vHit,vStand,pinsHit,pinsStand,standCount,isSplit,SplitName) 
    with recursive  r as(
      select 0 
      union all
      select v+1
      from r where v< 1023
    select id,vHit,vStand
      ,case when standCount<10 then left(pinsHit,char_length(pinshit)-0) 
       else pinsHit
       end pinsHit
      ,case when standCount>0 then left(pinsStand,char_length(pinsStand)-0) 
       else pinsStand
       end pinsStand
      ,0 isSplit
      ,'' SplitName
      v id,v vHit, ~v&1023 vStand 
       ,case when (v&1)>0 then '1' end 
      ,case when (v&2)>0 then '2' end  
      ,case when v&4>0 then '3' end  
      ,case when v&8>0 then '4' end  
      ,case when v&16>0 then '5' end  
      ,case when v&32>0 then '6' end  
      ,case when v&64>0 then '7' end  
      ,case when v&128>0 then '8' end  
      ,case when v&256>0 then '9' end  
      ,case when (v&512)>0 then '10' end  
      ) pinsHit
       ,case when v&1=0 then '1' end 
       ,case when v&2=0 then '2'end  
       ,case when v&4=0 then '3'end  
       ,case when v&8=0 then '4' end  
       ,case when v&16=0 then '5' end  
       ,case when v&32=0 then '6' end  
       ,case when v&64=0 then '7' end  
       ,case when v&128=0 then '8' end  
       ,case when v&256=0 then '9' end  
       ,case when v&512=0 then '10' end  
       )  pinsStand
      ,10 - bit_count(v) standCount
    from r
    ) tmp
    -- some examples 
    select * from Splits  
    where vHit in(871,507,407,1017,671,1023,959,647,147,576)  
    order by id;
    1. Check completly conectivity.

    We take the first (any) element of the set and traverse the tree with a recursive query. If as a result we go through all the elements of the set, then the set is completely connected on this graph and the combination is not Split. Otherwise, they are called disconnected – Split.

    with recursive rG as(
    select 0 lvl 
       ,left(pinsStand,locate(',',concat(pinsStand,','))-1) head
       ,cast(left(pinsStand,locate(',',concat(pinsStand,','))-1) as char) St1
    --  ,cast(left(pinsStand,locate(',',concat(pinsStand,','))-1) as signed) p1
      ,cast(left(pinsStand,locate(',',concat(pinsStand,','))-1) as signed) p2
      ,concat(left(pinsStand,locate(',',concat(pinsStand,','))-1),',') sPath
    from Splits  where standCount>1
     union all
    select lvl+1 lvl , head
      ,cast(pl.pin2 as char) St1
      -- ,pl.pin1
      ,cast(concat(sPath,cast(pl.pin2 as char),',') as char) sPath
    from rG  inner join PinLink pl on  pl.pin1= St1
      and locate(concat(pl.pin2,','),concat(pinsStand,','))>0
      and locate(concat(pl.pin2,','),spath)=0
      where lvl<11
    update Splits 
    join (
      select id,pinsHit,pinsStand
        ,group_concat(p2 order by p2 separator ',') gap
        ,case when pinsStand<>group_concat(p2 order by p2 separator ',') then 1
         else 0
         end fSplit
      from (
        select distinct head,id,pinsHit
        from rG 
       group by id,pinsHit,pinsStand
    )y on
      set isSplit=case when standCount>1 then fsplit else 0 end

    Table is ready. The table can be created 1 time and stored in the database.
    Some examples

    select * from Splits  
    where vHit in(0,871,507,407,1017,671,1023,959,647,147,576)  
    order by id;
    id vHit pinsHit vStand pinsStand standCount isSplit SplitName
    0 0 1023 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 10 0
    147 147 1,2,5,8 876 3,4,6,7,9,10 6 1
    407 407 1,2,3,5,8,9 616 4,6,7,10 4 1
    507 507 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 516 3,10 2 1
    576 576 7,10 447 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 8 0
    647 647 1,2,3,8,10 376 4,5,6,7,9 5 0
    671 671 1,2,3,4,5,8,10 352 6,7,9 3 1
    871 871 1,2,3,6,7,9,10 152 4,5,8 3 0
    959 959 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 64 7 1 0
    1017 1017 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 6 2,3 2 0
    1023 1023 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 0 0

    Fiddle here

    Remark 1. I was considering Split = disconnected

    Update2. About vHit and vStand. I use numbers for convenient, concise designations of combinations.

    We can denote any combination of 10 pins with number from 0 to 1023 or binary number with 10 bit.
    The set of Pins {1,3,5,7} as number 0001010101 in binary notation, where 1 – standPin,0 – hitPin.
    Another example

    standPins      ({7,5,4,2})
       --bit number 987654321    
    {2,4,5,7}     =0001011010 =hex 0x05A=0+2+0+8+16+0+64+0+0=90=vStand.  
    And on the contrary, if hitPins 
    {1,3,6,8,9,10)=1110100101 =hex 0x3A5=1+0+4+0+0+32+0+128+256+512=933=vHit.
    All pins{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}=1111111111=0x3FF=1023
    hitPins=1023^standPins (XOR operation), hitPins+standPins=1023
    Numbers from 0 to 1023 describe all possible combinations of 10 pins
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