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I am trying to finish my graduation project which is a desktop application for database transfer. The application was made by C# WPF.
I want to introduce a feature in the application which is Quality Assurance, and it should be done as follows:
When transfering a specific database, a message must be shown with the names of the tables in the database and the number of data rows in each table.
I searched a lot for a solution to the problem but couldn’t find anything specific.
Can someone please write me the code for this feature in csharp?

here is xaml file:

                <DataGrid Name="DataGridTable">
                        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="DaGrTableName" Header="Table Name"/>
                        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="DaGrRowsCount" Header="Row Count"/>

enter image description here

I tried with the following code, but it show just a message with number of tables and number of rows just from first table:

                    int rowsNbr = 0;
                    using MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (mySqlDataReader.Read())

                    int tableCount = 0;
                    using MySqlConnection tableConn = new(connString);
                    using MySqlCommand tableComm = new(countTable);
                    tableComm.Connection = tableConn;
                    using MySqlDataReader tableReader = tableComm.ExecuteReader();
                    while (tableReader.Read())
                    transferedTextBlock.Text = $"{rowsNbr} Data Rows and {tableCount} Tables have been successfully transfered.";

The result should be displayed like this:

enter image description here



  1. I would suggest populating the DataGrid by binding it to an item source. In my project, a simple datagrid works like this

    <DataGrid Name="DataGridTable"
              ItemsSource="{Binding TableNameRowCountCollection, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
            <DataGridTextColumn DataGridTextColumn
                                Header="Table Name"
                                Binding="{Binding TableName}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="DaGrRowsCount"
                                Header="Row Count"
                                Binding="{Binding RowCount}"/>

    TableNameRowCountCollection is a property in your ViewModel of type ObservableCollection<TableRowCount> that needs to be populated before resp. as you show your form. TableRowCount is a simple object holding the table name and row count data like

    public class TableRowCount : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public string TableName {get; set;}
        public string RowCount {get; set;}
        // TODO: Implement INotifyPropertyChanged
        // TODO: Raise PropertyChanged Event in property setters
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  2. Not entirely sure what you’re aiming for, but an easy thing would be to make a DataTable that stores all of the table names/row counts. Then just set the data context of the DataGrid to the default view of the DataTable

    DataTable myData = new DataTable();
    myData.Columns.Add("Table Name", typeof(string));
    myData.Columns.Add("Row Count", typeof(string));
    myData.Rows.Add("Table 1", "14");
    myData.Rows.Add("Table 2", "15");
    DataGridTable.DataContext = myData.DefaultView;

    Based on your question, it seems like you’re pulling the data values from a SQL server. Just iterate over each data value and add to your data table, just like I did above.

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