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As you can see below I have Name column. I want to split it by / and return the value in array.


Id Name
1 John/Warner/Jacob
2 Kol

If I write a query as

Select Id, Name from MyTable

it will return

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John/Warner/Jacob",
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Kol",

Which query should I write to get below result ?

        "id": 1,
        "name": ["John", "Warner", "Jacob"],
        "id": 2,
        "name": ["Kol"] ,



  1. Don’t think you can return an array in the query itself, but you could do this…

    SELECT id,
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', 1) 
        AS name_part_1,
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1) 
        AS name_part_2
    FROM tableName;

    Only way to build it as an array would be when processing the result accordingly in whatever language you are using.

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  2. You can define a function split, which is based on the fact that substring_index(substring_index(name,'/',x),'/',-1) will return the x-th part of a name when separated by ‘/’.

    CREATE FUNCTION `test`.`SPLIT`(s varchar(200), c char, i integer) RETURNS varchar(200) CHARSET utf8mb4
      DECLARE retval varchar(200);
      WITH RECURSIVE split as (
        select 1 as x,substring_index(substring_index(s,c,1),c,-1) as y, s 
        union all 
        select x+1,substring_index(substring_index(s,c,x+1),c,-1),s from split where x<= (LENGTH(s) - LENGTH(REPLACE(s,c,''))) 
      SELECT y INTO retval FROM split WHERE x=i ;
      return retval;

    and then do:

    with mytable as (
       select 1 as Id, 'John/Warner/Jacob' as Name
       union all
       select 2, 'Kol')
        id, split(Name,'/',x) as name
    from mytable
    cross join (select 1 as x union all select 2 union all select 3) x
    order by id, name;


    Id name
    1 Jacob
    1 John
    1 Warner
    2 [NULL]
    2 [NULL]
    2 Kol
    1. It is, of course, possible to refine this, and leave out the NULL values …
    2. I will not convert this output to JSON for you …
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