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I have this table called s2s_actions:

    id  brand_id  event_type
------  --------  ----------
    22       361           0
    29       361           1
    35         7           1
    40         7           0
    41        37           1
    42        37           0
    43        37           1

and I want to get the count of event_type=0 and count of event_type=1 for each brand_id:

SELECT s2s_actions.brand_id, deposits.deposit_amount, signups.signup_amount 
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS signup_amount FROM s2s_actions WHERE brand_id=s2s_actions.brand_id AND event_type=0) signups,
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS deposit_amount FROM s2s_actions WHERE brand_id=s2s_actions.brand_id AND event_type=1) deposits
GROUP BY brand_id

If I put a number in the inner selects (like 37), this works ok, but I can’t use the brand_id of the outer group…

Any ideas?



  1. SELECT s2s_actions.brand_id, signups.signup_amount, deposits.deposit_amount
         FROM s2s_actions
      SELECT brand_id, COUNT(*) AS signup_amount
         FROM s2s_actions
         WHERE event_type = 0
         GROUP BY brand_id
    ) signups 
         ON s2s_actions.brand_id = signups.brand_id
      SELECT brand_id, COUNT(*) AS deposit_amount
         FROM s2s_actions
         WHERE event_type = 1
         GROUP BY brand_id
    ) deposits 
         ON s2s_actions.brand_id = deposits.brand_id
         GROUP BY s2s_actions.brand_id;

    The subqueries calculate the counts for event_type=0 and event_type=1 separately, grouping them by the brand_id.

    The main query joins these subqueries using the brand_id as the common column.

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  2. This is using conditional aggregation, which is a great option for your particular need.

     sum(case when event_type = 0 then 1 end) as signups, 
     sum(case when event_type = 1 then 1 end) as deposits 
    from s2s_actions
    group by brand_id 
    brand_id signups deposits
    361 1 1
    7 1 1
    37 1 2

    And if you have brand id’s without those targeted events and want to display zero rather than null in your results, then coalesce those two rows of code…

     coalesce(sum(case when event_type = 0 then 1 end), 0) as signups, 
     coalesce(sum(case when event_type = 1 then 1 end), 0) as deposits 
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