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I would like to modify a function in my schema. When it calculates the other_leave_count_per_staff, it’s getting the data from leave_type_table. In the table, i have a column calculate_efte, true or false (1 and 0). But in my function, i would like to add another calculation for operation, but when i change 0 to 1 in leave_type, it’s also calculating it for administration.

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `generate_efte_date_type_table`(par_date_range_type VARCHAR(45), par_property_record_key TEXT, par_date_year YEAR) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8mb4
    NO SQL
    DECLARE temp_date_type_factor INT DEFAULT 1; 
    DECLARE temp_number_days INT;
    DECLARE temp_number_weeks DECIMAL(10,2);
    SELECT DAYOFYEAR(CONCAT(par_date_year, '-12-31')) INTO temp_number_days;
    SET temp_number_weeks = temp_number_days / 7;
    IF par_date_range_type = 'daily' THEN
        SET temp_date_type_factor = temp_number_days;
    ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'weekly' THEN
        SET temp_date_type_factor = temp_number_weeks; 
    ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'monthly' THEN
        SET temp_date_type_factor = 12;
    ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'quarterly' THEN
        SET temp_date_type_factor = 4;
    ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'semi_yearly' THEN
        SET temp_date_type_factor = 2;
    END IF;

    SET @administration_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`administration_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`";
    SET @operation_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`operation_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`";

            `efte`.`property_record_key` AS `property_record_key`,
            `efte`.`property_display_name_short_code` AS `property_display_name_short_code`,
            `efte`.`property_hex_color_code` AS `property_hex_color_code`,
            IFNULL((((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_administration` * ", temp_number_weeks, " * `efte`.`administration_staff_count`)
                - (`efte`.`daily_working_hour_administration` * (`efte`.`administration_annual_leave_count` + `efte`.`administration_ph_count` * `efte`.`ph_count` + `efte`.`administration_sh_count` * `efte`.`sh_count` + ", @administration_other_leave_count_calculation, "))) / `efte`.`administration_staff_count` / ", temp_date_type_factor, "), 0) AS `administration_working_hour`,
            IFNULL((((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_operation` * ", temp_number_weeks, " * `efte`.`operation_staff_count`)
                - (`efte`.`daily_working_hour_operation` * (`efte`.`operation_annual_leave_count` + `efte`.`operation_ph_count` * `efte`.`ph_count` + `efte`.`operation_sh_count` * `efte`.`sh_count` + ", @operation_other_leave_count_calculation,"))) / `efte`.`operation_staff_count` / ", temp_date_type_factor, "), 0) AS `operation_working_hour`,
            (IFNULL((((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_operation` * ", temp_number_weeks, " * `efte`.`operation_staff_count`)
                - (`efte`.`daily_working_hour_operation` * (`efte`.`operation_annual_leave_count` + `efte`.`operation_ph_count` * `efte`.`ph_count` + `efte`.`operation_sh_count` * `efte`.`sh_count` + ", @operation_other_leave_count_calculation,"))) / `efte`.`operation_staff_count` / ", temp_date_type_factor, "), 0)
            IFNULL((((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_administration` * ", temp_number_weeks, " * `efte`.`administration_staff_count`)
                - (`efte`.`daily_working_hour_administration` * (`efte`.`administration_annual_leave_count` + `efte`.`administration_ph_count` * `efte`.`ph_count` + `efte`.`administration_sh_count` * `efte`.`sh_count` + ", @administration_other_leave_count_calculation, "))) / `efte`.`administration_staff_count` / ", temp_date_type_factor, "), 0)) AS `all_working_hour`,
            IFNULL((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_administration` * ", temp_number_weeks, "/ ", temp_date_type_factor, "),0) AS `administration_casual_working_hour`, 
            IFNULL((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_operation` * ", temp_number_weeks, "/ ", temp_date_type_factor, "),0) AS `operation_casual_working_hour`,
            (IFNULL((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_administration` * ", temp_number_weeks, "/ ", temp_date_type_factor, "),0)
            IFNULL((`efte`.`weekly_working_hour_operation` * ", temp_number_weeks, "/ ", temp_date_type_factor, "),0)) AS `all_casual_working_hour`
                `p`.`record_key` AS `property_record_key`, 
                `p`.`display_name_short_code` AS `property_display_name_short_code`, 
                `p`.`hex_color_code` AS `property_hex_color_code`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Administration' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `administration_staff_count`, 
                `ewh`.`daily_working_hour_administration` AS `daily_working_hour_administration`,
                `ewh`.`weekly_working_hour_administration` AS `weekly_working_hour_administration`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Administration' THEN `s`.`annual_leave` ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `administration_annual_leave_count`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Administration' AND `s`.`type_of_holiday` = 'PH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `administration_ph_count`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Administration' AND `s`.`type_of_holiday` = 'SH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `administration_sh_count`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Operation' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `operation_staff_count`,
                `ewh`.`daily_working_hour_operation` AS `daily_working_hour_operation`,
                `ewh`.`weekly_working_hour_operation` AS `weekly_working_hour_operation`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Operation' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `operation_annual_leave_count`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Operation' AND `s`.`type_of_holiday` = 'PH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `operation_ph_count`,
                IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `s`.`staff_type` = 'Operation' AND `s`.`type_of_holiday` = 'SH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `operation_sh_count`,
                IFNULL(`hc`.`ph_count`, 0) AS `ph_count`,
                IFNULL(`hc`.`sh_count`, 0) AS `sh_count`,
                IFNULL(`lc`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`, 0) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff`
            FROM `staff` `s`
            JOIN `property` `p` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `p`.`record_key` AND INSTR('", par_property_record_key, "', `p`.`record_key`)
            JOIN `employment_status` `es` ON `s`.`employment_status_record_key` = `es`.`record_key`
            JOIN `efte_working_hour` `ewh` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `ewh`.`property_record_key`
            LEFT JOIN (
                    `h`.`property_record_key` AS `property_record_key`,
                    IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `h`.`type_of_holiday` = 'PH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `ph_count`,
                    IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN `h`.`type_of_holiday` = 'SH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS `sh_count`
                    `holiday` `h` 
                WHERE `h`.`year_of_holiday` = '", par_date_year, "'
                GROUP BY `h`.`property_record_key`
            ) `hc` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `hc`.`property_record_key`
            LEFT JOIN (
                SELECT `property_record_key`, SUM(`lt`.`default_days`) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff`
                FROM `leave_type` `lt`
                WHERE `calculate_efte` IS TRUE
                GROUP BY `lt`.`property_record_key`
            ) `lc` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `lc`.`property_record_key`
            WHERE `s`.`record_status` = 'Active' AND LOWER(`es`.`permanent`) = 'yes'
            GROUP BY `s`.`property_record_key`
            ) `efte`) `efte_date_type`");

I tried creating a new table and creating the columns only for those shifts that i need, but when i join the tables together i get errors.



  1. please try following changes on new code:

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `generate_efte_date_type_table`(par_date_range_type VARCHAR(45), par_property_record_key TEXT, par_date_year YEAR) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8mb4
        NO SQL
        DECLARE temp_date_type_factor INT DEFAULT 1; 
        DECLARE temp_number_days INT;
        DECLARE temp_number_weeks DECIMAL(10,2);
        SELECT DAYOFYEAR(CONCAT(par_date_year, '-12-31')) INTO temp_number_days;
        SET temp_number_weeks = temp_number_days / 7;
        IF par_date_range_type = 'daily' THEN
            SET temp_date_type_factor = temp_number_days;
        ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'weekly' THEN
            SET temp_date_type_factor = temp_number_weeks; 
        ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'monthly' THEN
            SET temp_date_type_factor = 12;
        ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'quarterly' THEN
            SET temp_date_type_factor = 4;
        ELSEIF par_date_range_type = 'semi_yearly' THEN
            SET temp_date_type_factor = 2;
        END IF;
        -- Adjust calculations based on the value of calculate_efte
        SET @administration_other_leave_count_calculation = 
            CASE WHEN (SELECT calculate_efte FROM leave_type WHERE property_record_key = par_property_record_key) = 1 THEN
                "`efte`.`administration_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff_modified`"
                "`efte`.`administration_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`"
        SET @operation_other_leave_count_calculation = 
            CASE WHEN (SELECT calculate_efte FROM leave_type WHERE property_record_key = par_property_record_key) = 1 THEN
                "`efte`.`operation_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff_modified`"
                "`efte`.`operation_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`"
        -- Rest of your function code
        -- ...

    this approach allows you to adgust the calculrtions within the function based on the condition you specified involving the calculate_efte column. Make sure to replace "other_leave_count_per_staff_modified" with the actual modified calculation you intend to use when calculate_efte is 1.

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  2. Look at the variables you have defined for the two cases:

        SET @administration_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`administration_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`";
        SET @operation_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`operation_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`";

    They multiply some scalar value (which may be administration_staff_count or operation_staff_count, respectively) with other_leave_count_per_staff, which is computed as

    IFNULL(`lc`.`other_leave_count_per_staff`, 0) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff`

    based on

                LEFT JOIN (
                    SELECT `property_record_key`, SUM(`lt`.`default_days`) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff`
                    FROM `leave_type` `lt`
                    WHERE `calculate_efte` IS TRUE
                    GROUP BY `lt`.`property_record_key`
                ) `lc` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `lc`.`property_record_key`

    Your problem-statement was that if you update leave_type and set calculate_efte to true, then it modifies the administration calculation as well, which implies that some leave_type records represent operation, others represent administration. And the solution for your case is to make a differentiation between the two, like:

                LEFT JOIN (
                    SELECT `property_record_key`, SUM(`ld`.`IsAdmin` * `lt`.`default_days`) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff_admin`,
                    SUM((1 - `ld`.`IsAdmin`) * `lt`.`default_days`) AS `other_leave_count_per_staff_operation`,
                    FROM `leave_type` `lt`
                    WHERE `calculate_efte` IS TRUE
                    GROUP BY `lt`.`property_record_key`
                ) `lc` ON `s`.`property_record_key` = `lc`.`property_record_key`

    and adjust your variables as

        SET @administration_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`administration_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff_admin`";
        SET @operation_other_leave_count_calculation = "`efte`.`operation_staff_count` * `efte`.`other_leave_count_per_staff_operation`";

    The problem is that you might lack an IsAdmin field. But, provided that you have an expression that evaluates to 0 if it’s not an admin and 1 if it’s an admin, you could replace IsAdmin with that expression. If the given expression gets superfluous, then you could implement a stored function to compute IsAdmin. Nevertheless, the need to cover here is the differentiation between admin and operational.

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