I have a table in MySQL 8 called "temperature" with the fields IDDevice, Data, Temperature.
I need to analyze each device and return a list of temperatures that have been out of the range 2-8 degrees in a 20 minutes time frame.
Also, out of range must be consecutive, meaning that if inside that range I have a correct temperature I do not want to receive those rows.
Can you help me write the query?
I tried something like this but it’s not working correctly:
SELECT iddispositivo, Data, Temperatura, is_out_of_range, consecutive_out_of_range
FROM (SELECT iddispositivo, data, temperatura,
IF(Temperatura < 2 OR Temperatura > 8, 1, 0) AS is_out_of_range,
SUM(IF(Temperatura < 2 OR Temperatura > 8, 1, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY iddispositivo ORDER BY Data) AS consecutive_out_of_range
FROM temperature
WHERE iddispositivo = 1750
AND data >= date_sub(now(), interval 1 day)
) AS temp_data
WHERE 1 = 1
AND consecutive_out_of_range > (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM temperature AS t2
WHERE t2.iddispositivo = temp_data.iddispositivo
AND data >= date_sub(now(), interval 1 day)
AND t2.Data BETWEEN DATE_SUB(temp_data.Data, INTERVAL 20 MINUTE) AND temp_data.Data)
AND is_out_of_range = 1;
In case anyone has the same problem, this query seems to work correctly:
in MSSql its possible using
TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, ‘1970-01-01’, TimeValue) – TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, ‘1970-01-01’, LAG(TimeValue) OVER (PARTITION BY IDDevice ORDER BY Data)) – 1 > 20
In mySQL, the best option would be to write a stored procedure