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I am building a basic registration feature for a school project and keep getting an error when I try to check the username and password from a database. The idea is to have a user type in their login info and then have a function receive that information and compare it with the user info from the database. if it matches it will retrieve the user id from the table and attach it to a variable for later use. I am having an issue now where it seems like when I pass in the user input into the password match function, the function only receives the first char of the input. That’s what the debugger shows. I may be reading the debugger wrong but I am not sure here is the first function

void loginUser(){
    char email[100];
    char password[50];

    // Input login details
    printf("Enter email: ");
    fgets(email, sizeof(email), stdin);
    email[strcspn(email, "n")] = ''; // Remove newline character
    printf("Enter password: ");
    fgets(password, sizeof(password), stdin);
    password[strcspn(password, "n")] = ''; // Remove newline character
    printf("Email: %sn", email);

    printf("Email: %sn", password);

    // Check email and password against database
    if(password_match(email, password)){

    // If authenticated, proceed to main menu
    // Else, show error message and redirect to login

and this is the function that gets the username and password from mysql database

int password_match(const char *email, const char *password) {

//    printf("Email: %sn", email);

//     printf("Email: %sn", password);

    MYSQL_RES *result;
    MYSQL_ROW row;
    char query[512];
    snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT consumerID FROM CurrentConsumer WHERE email='%s' AND password='%s'", email, password);
    if (mysql_query(con, query)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error querying database: %sn", mysql_error(con));
        return 0; // Failure
    result = mysql_store_result(con);
    if (result == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error storing result: %sn", mysql_error(con));
        return 0; // Failure
    row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
    if (row == NULL) {
        return 0; // No match
    // Print the consumer ID
    printf("Consumer ID: %sn", row[0]);
    return 1; // Match

I tried using both pass by value and pass by reference but cant get it to work. It’s weird because I have another function that inserts data into the database just fine. I used that to build this function but cant get it to work.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you all for the help both with suggestions and editing the post. The issue was that I didn't take time to review and look at the obvious. I forgot to include a function to start the actual database. so the queries had no place to go. I should have just waited and looked at the problem under fresh eyes instead of trying to solve it at 3:30 in the morning. My bad for taking up your time. Next I can worry about sql injection to make sure the system is secure. Thank you all again.

  2. I am having an issue now where it seems like when I pass in the user input into the password match function, the function only receives the first char of the input.

    this is the function prototype:

       int password_match(const char* a, const char* b) 

    password_match() receives 2 pointers to char. No char at all. The pointers can point to NULL, to valid or invalid NULL-terminated things, but are just pointers to some addresses.

    The only way for it to receive a single letter string is that a[0] is a letter and a[1] is zero, or the same for b.

    about the code

    • loginUser() is just a wrapper around 2 strings in order to test password_match(). Do not write interactive code to test your program. It will only cost you time. Much time. Just pass 2 strings to loginUser and return the user id
    • do not use void f(void): this things will get no data and return nohing so will depend entirely on global external data.
    • code to check user and password in a database is not relevant here yet: you just want to test the arguments coming into password_match()
    • do not mix snake_case and camelCase. In general in C we expect snake_case, but anyway just be consistent.
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