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    SELECT, obo.ready_notified, obo.view_notified, obo.order_name,
        CONVERT_TZ(obo.submitted_at, 'GMT', 'America/New_York') AS submitted_at,
        obo.order_counter, obo.is_pos, obo.occasion, obo.dine_in_table_number,
        obo.cashier_id, obo.terminal_name, obo.terminal_id, obo.payment_type,, obo.is_paid_by_split, obo.payment_type_raw, obo.is_submitted,
        obo.is_cancelled, obo.is_split_cancelled,obo.has_refund, obo.has_adjustment, 
        obo.adjusted_total, obo.tip,
        obo.refund_total, obo.refund_pending, obo.order_hash,
    GROUP_CONCAT(oth.transaction_id) AS transaction_id
    order_botorder obo
LEFT JOIN order_ordertransactionhistory AS oth ON = oth.bot_order_id
    obo.store_id = 407
    AND obo.is_open = 0
    AND (obo.is_submitted = 1 OR obo.is_closed = 1)
            and (   
                CAST( AS CHAR) LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.phone_number LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.order_counter LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.dine_in_table_number LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.delivery_address LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.occasion_raw LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.terminal_id LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.cashier_id LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR obo.payment_type_raw LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%' 
                OR LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%'
                OR oth.transaction_id LIKE '%tr_7AcXLYxUSK6K0WBVshqg1g%'
    obo.submitted_at DESC
    10 OFFSET 0;

here is the explainnation of the query it is almost searching data in 285384 that should not happen

id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE obo NULL ref PRIMARY, order_botorder_order_counter_store_id_d14a38a1_uniq, order_botor_id_43a8b8_idx, order_botorder_order_hash_6c7414b4, idx_order_botorder_occasion, idx_order_botorder_phone_number, idx_order_botorder_order_counter, idx_order_botorder_dine_in_table_number, order_botorder_server_id_id_a2196482_fk_auth_user_id, idx_submitted_at, order_botor_is_subm_7011be_idx, order_botor_has_sub_df4837_idx, order_botor_is_clos_dfa4b1_idx, order_botor_is_tab__25acbe_idx, order_botor_is_pos_7954a9_idx, order_botor_is_onli_8f9a5f_idx, order_botor_submitt_736eb5_idx, idx_orderbotorder_id, idx_is_cancelled, idx_occasion, idx_optimized_query, idx_obo_store_id, idx_obo_submitted_closed_open, idx_obo_id, idx_obo_phone_number, idx_obo_order_counter, idx_obo_dine_in_table_number, idx_obo_occasion_raw, idx_obo_terminal_id, idx_obo_cashier_id, idx_obo_payment_type_raw, idx_obo_total, idx_fulltext_order_details idx_optimized_query 6 const, const 285384 100.00 Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE oth NULL ref idx_bot_order_id, order_order_bot_ord_baf3b4_idx, idx_oth_bot_order_id order_order_bot_ord_baf3b4_idx 4 1 100.00 Using where; Using index



  1. The explain says Using filesort, and it does do that on 285384 rows. this is needed because it should be known which 10 rows are the first.

    Becasue you have this:

        obo.store_id = 407
        AND obo.is_open = 0
        AND (obo.is_submitted = 1 OR obo.is_closed = 1)

    The index (probably idx_submitted_at) is not used.

    In stead an index with the name idx_optimized_query is used, because MySQL thing that is the smarter approach to find this data.


    Because this is all about selecting the correct info, you can try (not tested, because I do not have your data, and exact index definitions…)

    In your SQL you do:

        obo.submitted_at DESC
        10 OFFSET 0;

    This means that you want to select the last 10 rows ordered by submitted_at.

    When you add this to your WHERE clause:

    AND obo.submitted_at >= (SELECT MIN(submitted_at) 
                             FROM order_botorder
                             ORDER BY submitted_at DESC
                             LIMIT 10 )

    It could be that MySQL decides to use an index on submitted_at, when that exists, and your final result should select less records than the current 285384, which means the filesort is quicker.

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  2. Try indexing obo.is_open, obo.store_id, obo.is_submitted and obo.is_closed. You can check this :

    Indexing should improve performance in join queries

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  3. You’re using LIKE('%something%'), many times actually, which means that MySQL has to do a full table scan because it can’t use indexes (yes, I will nuance later in this post).

    Imagine I hand you a phonebook for your country and ask you to give me all contacts matching ‘smi%‘. Then you browse to S -> M -> I and start reading all names (Smith, Smither, Smith-Jones, …).

    Now imagine I hand you the same phonebook and ask you to give me all names matching ‘%mit%‘. Now you have no option to go through all individual names in the phonebook from the very first to the very last to check if it matches ‘%mit%‘.

    What you’re doing is even worse: You’re not only looking for names matching ‘%something%‘ but also addresses, phonenumbers, everything, and the kitchen sink.

    Now, to nuance this a bit: if the phonebooks were divided into books per city (in your case a store) that would make your job easier; you wouldn’t have to go through cities you’re not interested in. So you could start by adding an index on ‘city’ (in your case ‘store’).

    I quite sure indexing on the is_<something> fields won’t do very much (assuming they’re all boolean 0 or 1 values) because of very low cardinality. But it may help.

    What you want to do is to ‘get rid of’ as many rows as you need to scan before actually scanning. Adding an index on obo.store_id (if not already present) will help because that, essentially, will split the phonebooks into cities (stores); then all you need to do is grab the cities (stores) you’re interested in and scan those. As per Luuk’s suggestion you can also ‘get rid of’ a lot of rows by first telling MySQL you’re not interested in rows from/before/after some date, which can then be indexed, or any other expression. Indexes on those fields will usually help – but don’t go overboard adding indexes on every field; it will help in searching for stuff but it will also make inserts and deletes slower because indexes need to be updated on mutations of your data.

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