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Let’s say I have a student table like this:

ID Name Major Gender
1 Alice Math F
2 Bob Biology M
3 Candice Econ F

And I have a list of data like this:

names=["Alice,"Bob","Candice"] majors=["Math","Biology","Econ"] genders="["F","M","F"] 

I want to return the first ID that matches all three columns for all entries in
the list
(e.g. SELECT id FROM students WHERE name='Alice' AND major = "Math" AND gender = "F").

Is there a way to get all of the data I need with just one SQL query instead of
having to make a separate query for each item in the list?

SELECT id FROM students WHERE name='Alice' AND major = "Math" AND gender = "F" ;
SELECT id FROM students WHERE name='Bob' AND major = "Biology" AND gender = "M" ;
SELECT id FROM students WHERE name='Candice' AND major = "Econ" AND gender = "F" ;

I can only get the IDs by making three separate queries. I want to combine these into one. I tried using IN, but that only seems to work when you only need 1 column to match. In this case, I need the name, major, and gender to match the entry in the list.



  1. You can put multiple columns in a list that you test with IN.

    SELECT id
    FROM students
    WHERE (name, major, gender) IN (
        ('Alice', 'Math', 'F'), 
        ('Bob', 'Biology', 'M'), 
        ('Candice', 'Econ', 'F'));
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  2. This can be done in Postgres using UNNEST and CTEs. If you dont want to use an CTE then you can use a subquery instead of a CTE.

    create table students (
      id serial,
      name varchar,
      major varchar,
      gender varchar
    insert into students (name,major, gender) 
    values ('Alice', 'Math', 'F'),
      ('Bob', 'Biology', 'M'),
      ('Candice', 'Econ', 'F');
    WITH CTE0 AS (
        UNNEST('{"Alice", "Bob", "Candice"}'::varchar[]) as name,
        UNNEST('{"Math","Biology","Econ"}'::varchar[]) as major,
        UNNEST('{"F","M","F"}'::varchar[]) as gender
    ) SELECT S.*
      FROM students S
      INNER JOIN CTE0 ON = AND CTE0.major=S.major AND CTE0.gender = S.gender

    In the above I am using unnest to expand array into a set of rows, using multiple unnest will return a set of rows, each row is a records.

    Note: Make sure that all the arrays in Unnest contains the same length.

    Edit: I didn’t know UNNEST is a postgres only function and mysql doesn’t have this function.

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