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I am having table with column registration year with values like ‘2017-2019’ and ‘2014-2016.

If my input value is 2018 then what will be my SQL query to get that record which is in between ‘2017-2019’.

id registration_year
1 2014-2016
2 2017-2019

above is DB table and my input is 2018. Then it should return id 2.

What will be my sql query.
Thanks in advance



  1. ... WHERE @input_value BETWEEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(column, '-', 1) AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(column, '-', -1)
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  2. Honestly now would be a good time to change your table design. Consider this version, which stores the registration start and end years in different columns:

    id | registration_start | registration_end
    1  | 2014               | 2016
    2  | 2017               | 2019

    With this properly designed table in place, now you only need a simple range comparison:

    SELECT *
    FROM yourTable
    WHERE registration_start <= 2018 AND registration_end >= 2018;
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  3. I agree with TB’s answer where you should redesign your table structure. Here’s a solution with the current structure.

    select id
    from my_table 
    where left(registration_year, 4)::integer <= 2018
      and right(registration_year, 4)::integer >= 2018;
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  4. To retrieve the record that matches the input year (2018) with the registration year ranges in the SQL table, you can use the following SQL query with the BETWEEN operator:

      id, registration_year 
    FROM your_table_name 
        2018 BETWEEN 
          SUBSTRING(registration_year, 1, 4) AND
          SUBSTRING(registration_year, 6, 4);
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  5. If you always, or almost always, start and end together then rather than a string define the column as a integer range. This still results in a single column. Then query with the range containment operator (<@). So: (See demo)

    create table my_table( id   integer  generated always as identity
                                         primary key 
                         , registration int4range
    select * 
      from my_table 
     where <input_year> <@ registration;

    A note on demo result. When queried the registration column will appear as [2017,2020). This is correct for your data values (row 2). That is because when queried Postgres always responds as contains the lower bound but does not contain the upper bound. However you will notice that row was created as contains lower bound and contains upper bound.

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