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UPDATE table1 alias1,table2 alias2  SET  
alias1.COMMENT = concat('Sum of ',alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT,' Cancelled') ,
alias1.BALANCE = 0,
WHERE alias1.STORE_ID = alias2.STORE_ID AND 
alias1.ACCTNO = alias2.ACCTNO  AND 
alias1.AR_TRANS_ID = value1;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
Rows matched: 2  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Before the above query is run alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT is 900000 and alias2.CURRENT_CD_BALANCE is the 900000.
After the query is run tabel1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT is set to zero however alias2.CURRENT_CD_BALANCE is unchanged (still value of 900000).
This suggests that alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT is set to zero before the operation


is executed.
However the alias1.COMMMENT column has the value ‘Sum of 900000 Cancelled’, which suggests the initial value of alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT was assigned to alias1.COMMENT before it was set to zero.
Why is this happening?
How should this query be structured so that the initial value of alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT is subtracted from alias2.CURRENT_CD_BALANCE before it is set to zero?
The response from the server suggest that the two tables are

I’ve tried restructuring the query using joins without the alias. The combination (STORE_ID,ACCTNO) are unique keys on both tables AR_TRANS_ID is also unique.



  1. From (the docs):

    Single-table UPDATE assignments are generally evaluated from left to right. For multiple-table updates, there is no guarantee that assignments are carried out in any particular order.

    I had to guess at the structure a little but it was enough to reproduce what you are seeing:

    CREATE TABLE table1 (
        ACCTNO INT,
        STORE_ID INT,
        AR_TRANS_ID INT,
        TRAN_TYPE CHAR(1),
        BALANCE DECIMAL(8,2),
        COMMENT VARCHAR(255)
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'D', 900000, 900000, NULL);
    CREATE TABLE table2 (
        ACCTNO INT,
        STORE_ID INT,
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (1, 1, 900000);

    By reversing the order of the tables in the join I observed the expected behaviour:

    UPDATE table2 alias2
    JOIN table1 alias1
        ON alias1.STORE_ID = alias2.STORE_ID
        AND alias1.ACCTNO = alias2.ACCTNO
        alias1.COMMENT = concat('Sum of ',alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT,' Cancelled'),
        alias1.BALANCE = 0,
        alias1.ORIGINAL_AMOUNT = 0,
        TRAN_TYPE = 'D' 
    WHERE alias1.AR_TRANS_ID = value1;


    Given the quote from the MySQL docs referenced above, I am not sure that I would be comfortable relying on it.

    I cannot be 100% sure what you are trying to achieve but it does appear to be the reversal of some kind of financial transaction and an update of a related summary. Normally transaction histories should be treated as immutable, and any changes have to be applied as a new transaction, not an amendment to an existing transaction.

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  2. The assignment order in multiple-table UPDATE is indefinite, the assignment expressions from SET clause are executed in indefinite ordering.

    If you want to perform this operation deterministically then you must use 2 copies of source tables. 1st one is updated, and another one provides the data for updating. In most cases the data for updating can be obtained in the subquery which is more optimal that 2 separate tables usage.

    I.e. instead of non-deterministic

    UPDATE t1
      JOIN t2 ON {join expression}
    SET t1.col1 = expression(t2.col1),   -- imagine that there is
        t2.col2 = expression(t1.col2)    -- a cross-assignment there

    you’d use

    UPDATE t1
      JOIN t2 ON {join expression}
      JOIN ( SELECT id1, id2,             -- are used for to identify updated rows
                    expression(t2.col1) new_t1_col1,  -- the values which will be
                    expression(t1.col2) new_t2_col2   -- used for data updating
             FROM t1
             JOIN t2 ON {join expression}
            ) new_data ON = new_data.id1 AND = new_data.id2
    SET t1.col1 = new_data.t1_col1,
        t2.col2 = new_data.t2_col2;
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