For some reasons my query is running perfectly in MySQL WorkBench but when added to the repository I am getting syntax error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ‘as e1, profile_history as e2 WHERE e2.profile_id =
e1.profile_id and’ at line 1.
@Query(value = "( SELECT e2.* "
+ " FROM (select ph1.profile_id, max(ph1.last_updated_on) as last_updated_on2 "
+ " FROM profile_history as ph1 "
+ " GROUP BY ph1.profile_id ) as e1, profile_history as e2 "
+ " WHERE e2.profile_id = e1.profile_id and e2.last_updated_on = e1.last_updated_on2 )", nativeQuery = true)
Page<ProfileHistory> getAllProfileHistoryByLastestRow(Pageable paging);
Honestly expecting to get a db hit without any error and retrieve results.
I figured out the issue after fighting for 02 days. The jdbc driver is not interpreting the query correctly. I had to escape the columns and tables in the native query. Normally I shouldn't have to do this.
Maybe you need to specify dialect in the properties file. Don’t know your MySQL version, so can’t give you concrete example, but it should be something like this: