I checked other questions with the same issue, But they seem not to have a primary key or the number of rows to examine is low which lets MySQL decides not to use an index.
In my case it is different, Joining with "dossiers" table adds 10 seconds for query to execute.
This is EXPLAIN result:
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | statuts | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
1 | SIMPLE | dossiers | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 92801 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | dt | ref | PRIMARY,dossierId,statutId | dossierId | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dossiers.dossierId | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | dtst | ref | dossierTribunalId,statutProcedureId,utilisateurId | dossierTribunalId | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dt.dossierTribunalId | 4 | Using index condition; Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | sp | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dtst.statutProcedureId | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | utilisateurs | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dtst.utilisateurId | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | dtt | ref | dossierTribunalId | dossierTribunalId | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dt.dossierTribunalId | 6 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | dttl | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | btecma5_jaddad.dtt.dossierTribunalTransfertLotId | 1 | Using where |
And this the query: ( dossiers.estSoumis is not indexed but it doesn’t make much difference )
dt.utilisateurId dossierPhysiqueUtilisateurId,
COUNT(dttl.dossierTribunalTransfertLotId) totalTransferts,
traceDate dateSoumission,
dtst.utilisateurId creationUtilisateurId,
CONCAT(utilisateurs.prenom,' ',utilisateurs.nom) nomAgent
FROM dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces dtst
JOIN dossiers_tribunaux dt USING(dossierTribunalId)
LEFT JOIN dossiers_tribunaux_transferts dtt
ON(dt.dossierTribunalId = dtt.dossierTribunalId)
LEFT JOIN dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots dttl
ON(dttl.dossierTribunalTransfertLotId = dtt.dossierTribunalTransfertLotId
AND dttl.statut = 1)
JOIN dossiers dossiers USING(dossierId)
JOIN utilisateurs utilisateurs
ON(utilisateurs.utilisateurId = dtst.utilisateurId)
JOIN statuts_procedures sp USING(statutProcedureId)
JOIN statuts statuts ON(statuts.statutId = sp.statutId)
WHERE statuts.statutId = 1
AND dt.statutId != 211
AND dossiers.estSoumis = 1
AND dtst.utilisateurId IN(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 63)
GROUP BY dt.dossierTribunalId;
EDIT: Tables structure and indexes added:
-- Table structure for table `dossiers`
CREATE TABLE `dossiers` (
`dossierId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`numeroDossier` int(6) NOT NULL,
`typeDossier` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1:masse;2:grand',
`clientId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`dateCreation` datetime NOT NULL,
`creationUtilisateurId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`estSoumis` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`dateSoumission` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`anneeDossier` int(4) NOT NULL,
`estArreter` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '1:provisoire,2:definitif',
`arretDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`arretUtilisateurId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`arretAnnulationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`arretAnnulationUtilisateurId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`piecesClientsScan` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0:pas encore;1:scannés',
`piecesClientsScanDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`lotFacturationId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `dossiers_tribunaux`
CREATE TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux` (
`dossierTribunalId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`dossierTribunalParentId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`numeroTribunalSequence` int(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`numeroTribunalCodeProcedure` int(4) NOT NULL,
`numeroTribunalAnnee` int(4) NOT NULL,
`procedureId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`dossierId` int(10) NOT NULL,
`statutId` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces`
CREATE TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces` (
`dossierTribunalStatutTraceId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`dossierTribunalId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`statutProcedureId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`traceDate` datetime NOT NULL,
`utilisateurId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`dossierActionId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`besoinScan` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`estScanne` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`codeOperationScan` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`estExcluOperationScan` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`exclusionOperationScanUtilisateurId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`exclusionOperationScanDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`extraCommentaire` text DEFAULT NULL,
`extraCommentaireDerniereMaj` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`statutAffichable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
`crediteurId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`crediteurDerniereMaj` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`estIgnoreAudit` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts`
CREATE TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts` (
`dossierTribunalTransfertId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`dossierTribunalTransfertLotId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`dossierTribunalId` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots`
CREATE TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots` (
`dossierTribunalTransfertLotId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`deUtilisateurId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`aUtilisateurId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`dateTransfert` datetime NOT NULL,
`statut` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0:en attente de validation;1: validé',
`dateValidation` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`numeroLot` int(6) NOT NULL,
`anneeLot` int(4) NOT NULL,
`orderType` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1:lotId;2:numeroDossier',
`validationUtilisateurId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Pour diagnotiquer un probleme'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `statuts`
CREATE TABLE `statuts` (
`statutId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`intituleStatut` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`intituleStatutParent` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`ordreAffichage` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
`intituleStatutArabe` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`informationsComplementaires` text DEFAULT NULL,
`labelCouleur` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'info',
`typeStatut` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1:Action à faire;2: Réponse tribunal',
`estImportable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`majStatutsId` text DEFAULT NULL,
`estRepetable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `statuts_procedures`
CREATE TABLE `statuts_procedures` (
`statutProcedureId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`statutId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`procedureId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`intituleAction` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`nombreJoursRetard` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`nombreJoursRetardAlert` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`afficherTableauBord` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `utilisateurs`
CREATE TABLE `utilisateurs` (
`utilisateurId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`nom` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`prenom` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`motPasse` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`usergroup` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
`peutLierFacture` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- Indexes for dumped tables
-- Indexes for table `dossiers`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`dossierId`),
ADD KEY `creationUtilisateurId` (`creationUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `arretUtilisateurId` (`arretUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `arretAnnulationUtilisateurId` (`arretAnnulationUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `clientId` (`clientId`),
ADD KEY `numeroDossier` (`numeroDossier`);
-- Indexes for table `dossiers_tribunaux`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`dossierTribunalId`),
ADD KEY `procedureId` (`procedureId`),
ADD KEY `dossierId` (`dossierId`),
ADD KEY `banqueId` (`banqueId`),
ADD KEY `employeurId` (`employeurId`),
ADD KEY `statutId` (`statutId`),
ADD KEY `suiviId` (`suiviId`),
ADD KEY `utilisateurId` (`utilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `lotFacturationId` (`lotFacturationId`);
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux` ADD FULLTEXT KEY `contratsId` (`contratsId`);
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux` ADD FULLTEXT KEY `adversairesId` (`adversairesId`);
-- Indexes for table `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`dossierTribunalStatutTraceId`),
ADD KEY `dossierTribunalId` (`dossierTribunalId`),
ADD KEY `statutProcedureId` (`statutProcedureId`),
ADD KEY `dossierActionId` (`dossierActionId`),
ADD KEY `utilisateurId` (`utilisateurId`);
-- Indexes for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`dossierTribunalTransfertId`),
ADD KEY `dossierTribunalTransfertLotId` (`dossierTribunalTransfertLotId`),
ADD KEY `dossierTribunalId` (`dossierTribunalId`);
-- Indexes for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`dossierTribunalTransfertLotId`),
ADD KEY `deUtilisateurId` (`deUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `aUtilisateurId` (`aUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `validationUtilisateurId` (`validationUtilisateurId`),
ADD KEY `dossiers_transfert_idx_autilisateurid_dossiertribunal` (`aUtilisateurId`,`dossierTribunalTransfertLotId`);
-- Indexes for table `statuts`
ALTER TABLE `statuts`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`statutId`);
-- Indexes for table `statuts_procedures`
ALTER TABLE `statuts_procedures`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`statutProcedureId`);
-- Indexes for table `utilisateurs`
ALTER TABLE `utilisateurs`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`utilisateurId`);
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `dossiers`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `dossiers_tribunaux`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_statuts_traces`
MODIFY `dossierTribunalStatutTraceId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts`
MODIFY `dossierTribunalTransfertId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots`
ALTER TABLE `dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots`
MODIFY `dossierTribunalTransfertLotId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `statuts`
ALTER TABLE `statuts`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `statuts_procedures`
ALTER TABLE `statuts_procedures`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `utilisateurs`
ALTER TABLE `utilisateurs`
There are many reasons why the PK may not be used. But first, let’s add some ‘composite’ indexes that are likely to help with performance:
(Many of those are also "covering", as indicated by "Using index".)
is not selective enough, my recommendation fordossiers
may not help much.dossiers_tribunaux_transferts
is structured like a many-to-many mapping table. If that is its intent, then drop the surrogate id and add a 2-column PK and a 2-columnINDEX
in the opposite order. See Many-to-manyTry adding these 2 compound indices:
dossiers_tribunaux_transferts_lots(dossierTribunalTransfertLotId, statut)
might help speed up the LEFT JOIN betweendossiers_tribunaux_transferts
, as well as the filtering conditiondttl.statut = 1
in the ON clause.dossiers(dossierId, estSoumis)
might help speed up the JOIN betweendossiers_tribunaux
, as well as the filtering conditiondossiers.estSoumis = 1
in the WHERE clause.edit: I note you may have already tried the reverse order of the columns and as
is tinyint that order may perform better. I had this answer sitting in edit without posting and left it overnight by mistake, then posted and saw the other answer.