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My MySQL table looks like this:

_id _masterid
17 null
18 17
19 17
20 null
21 null
22 20
23 17
24 20
25 20

Is it possible to order it with a single query so we get this results as output?

_id _masterid
17 null
18 17
19 17
23 17
20 null
22 20
24 20
25 20
21 null

_ids without _masterid are main comments, and _ids with _masterids are replies. So ideally I’d like to order comment and its replies bunched up together, before proceeding to the next comment.




  1. Yes, it is possible:

    order by
        coalesce(`_masterid`, `_id`),
        `_masterid` is not null

    The coalesce(_masterid, _id) part returns either _masterid if it’s not NULL, or _id otherwise. Then you put the parent thread first by placing _masterid being NULL before the non-NULL ones.

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  2. I would recommend to fill parent (_masterid) with self value.

    So whenever you initiate the comment or whatever topic like: (17, null), (20, null) you do (17, 17), (20, 20).
    This approach will allow you to do simple order with regular indexes in use:

    SELECT _id, _masterid
    FROM my_table
    ORDER by _masterid, _id

    The approach of Robo Robok is good. But it will have small performance issue because it uses the function result for ordering which is slower than regular indexes.

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