I have a table with some columns :
Id | Active | timestamp |
1 | TRUE | 23-09-10 |
2 | NULL | 23-09-11 |
3 | FALSE | 23-09-12 |
4 | TRUE | 23-09-15 |
5 | NULL | 23-09-16 |
I want to order my results according to this priority order
If boolean is TRUE then order by boolean TRUE and timestamp, then other boolean values (false or null) and timestamp.
First time playing with order BY with CASE…
I tried :
ORDER BY (case when active then 0 else 1 end), timestamp;
ORDER BY actif IS TRUE DESC, timestamp;
It orders with Boolean true, then false, then Timestamp
Id | Active | timestamp |
1 | TRUE | 23-09-10 |
4 | TRUE | 23-09-15 |
3 | FALSE | 23-09-12 |
2 | NULL | 23-09-11 |
5 | NULL | 23-09-16 |
What I want to achieve is "true and timestamp" then "FALSE|NULL and timestamp"
Id | Active | timestamp |
1 | TRUE | 23-09-10 |
4 | TRUE | 23-09-15 |
2 | NULL | 23-09-11 |
3 | FALSE | 23-09-12 |
5 | NULL | 23-09-16 |
If the ordering "All TRUE then all FALSE then all NULL" is safe for you then
If you want "All TRUE then all FALSE/NULL mixed" then
Looks like active column is a string. You can write: