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I have a case where users may have access to some content with subscriptions, it’s not video streaming but I will write an example with that for easier understanding:

  • users in "basic" subscription have access to some basic videos (ID 0)
  • users in "movies" subscription have access to content in "basic" plus some movies (ID 1)
  • users in "sports" subscription have access to package "basic" plus some sports content (ID 2)
  • users in "full" subscription have access to all (ID 3)

This is a simplified version, there are a few more susbcriptions, but the thing it’s there is not a progression in subscriptions, where each subscription contains the previous one plus more content. So when searching for content for a user I cannot use just less than to check whether is available for that user or not, I cannot do:

SELECT * from content where content_susbcription<=$userSubscriptionID

What I can do is:

a) Use another 1-n table where each content is matched with each subscription, that is, if contentID 8983 can appear in subscription 3, there would be just a row 8983/3, but if it can appear in 0, 1 and 3, then there would be three rows (8983/0, 8983/1, 8983/3). I can then

SELECT * FROM content c, content_subscriptions s where c.contentID=s.contentID and s.subscription = $userSubscriptionID

b) in the content table, add a new field, numeric, with a binary representation of the subscription where that content is available, where each bit means it’s available for that subscription. If ID 8983 appears in suscription ID 3 only, then the value of that field would be 8 (2^3, binary 00001000), and if it can appear in suscriptions 0, 1 and 3, then the value would be 11 (2^3 + 2^1 + 2^0, 00001011)

Then I can search like this:

SELECT * FROM content where BIT_AND(content_susbcription, $userSubscriptionID)<>0

The question is: which performance can I expect from binary operations compared to auxiliar table, assuming that in both cases I have an index on the search field. Would the index help at all with BIT_AND?

Consider the content table would have a large number of records (~100.000). I’m looking for the faster solution, as concurrent users may affect performance if I choose the wrong approach.



  1. If you use the bitwise operation, it will force the query to do a table-scan. That is, an index won’t help optimize the query.

    If you join to the content_subscription table, you may create an index in that table on (subscriptionID, contentID).

    I also recommend to use modern JOIN syntax instead of the old comma-style joins. It has no effect on performance, but the modern syntax allows for outer joins, so it’s a good habit to use it consistently even for inner joins like yours.

    SELECT * 
    FROM content c JOIN content_subscriptions s 
      ON c.contentID=s.contentID AND s.subscriptionID = $userSubscriptionID
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  2. If your query is fetching more than about 20% of the table, then any solution will probably ignore indexes and simply do a full scan. In this case, the bin-and solution is probably best since it is the most compact.

    However, since 20% of 100K is 20K rows, I suspect you have left out something — maybe there are thousands of users in this 100K-row tab;e? And the filtering is more like WHERE user_id = 123 AND ((test for subscriptions))? In this case, INDEX(user_id) would be the most helpful. (And ignore the performance of the rest.)

    If you are really doing something like

    SELECT user_id 
        FROM ...
        WHERE ((test for subscriptions))

    to find all users subscribed to something, there may be a better solution.

    Update your Question to include the real query and some statistics on how many rows are likely to be returned.

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