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there is a table


the result should just show


i am trying to create the query as

with cte as 
  (select *, row_number() over (partition by name, year order by marks) as rn
   from table1)

select name, year, marks
from CTE
where rn = 1 

the condition which i am unable to include is the comparison of the marks in between the 2 years data.



  1. One option could be using LAG() Over() analytic function to get last year’s marks in the same row allowing you to filter the data for any condition you need (marks better, worse, equal …)

    With     --  S a m p l e    D a t a:
      tbl ( student, a_year, marks ) AS
      ( Select 'ABC', 2023, 98 Union All
        Select 'XYZ', 2021, 100 Union All
        Select 'MNO', 2019, 81 Union All
        Select 'XYZ', 2020,  98 Union All
        Select 'MNO', 2018,  98 Union All
        Select 'ABC', 2022, 100
           S Q L : 
    SELECT t.*
    FROM   ( Select student, a_year, marks, 
                        Over( Partition By student Order By a_year ) as last_year_marks
             From     tbl
           ) t
    ORDER BY t.student, t.a_year Desc;
    /*      R e s u l t :
    student a_year  marks   last_year_marks
    ------- ------  -----   ---------------
    ABC       2023     98               100
    ABC       2022    100              null
    MNO       2019     81                98
    MNO       2018     98              null
    XYZ       2021    100                98
    XYZ       2020     98              null    */

    … so, if you add Where clause to the outer query you could get the expected result …

           S Q L : 
    SELECT t.*
    FROM   ( Select student, a_year, marks, 
                        Over( Partition By student Order By a_year ) as last_year_marks
             From     tbl
           ) t
    WHERE    t.marks > t.last_year_marks
    ORDER BY t.student, t.a_year Desc;
    /*      R e s u l t :
    student a_year  marks   last_year_marks
    ------- ------  -----   ---------------
    XYZ       2021    100                98    */
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  2. You can use NOT EXISTS to return each student’s last year result as long as it has the student’s highest marks.

    select t.*
    from table1 t
    where not exists (select * from table1 t2
                      where t2.student = t.student
                        and (t2.year > t.year or t2.marks > t.marks));

    MySQL users might want to do a self LEFT JOIN instead:

    select t.*
    from table1 t
    left join  table1 t2
      on  t2.student = t.student
      and (t2.year > t.year or t2.marks > t.marks)
    where t2.student is null;

    MySQL version 8 users can use row_number() window function, partition by student, to make sure the latest year also has the highest marks:

    select student, year, marks
        select student, year, marks,
               row_number() over (partition by student order by marks desc) rn_m,
               row_number() over (partition by student order by year desc) rn_y
        from table1
    ) dt
    where rn_m = 1 and rn_y = 1;

    Demo: (based on @nbk’s fiddle, thanks!)

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