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i’m working with MYSQL, and have a problem with group by column that data has to be trimed first.
here is my table:

src dst
source one some_character1/dst_one-random_value1
source one some_character1/dst_one-random_value2
source one some_character2/dst_two-random_value3
source two some_character4/dst_two-random_value1
source two some_character4/dst_three-random_value2
source two some_character2/dst_three-random_value7

i want to group by this table into like this :


the dst value has 3 section.

The first section is seperated by ‘/’, and the last section is seperated by ‘-‘.

First section and last section character length is random, and i can determined it.
I only want to group by the middle section.

Is there any effective query to do that ?

Thanks before.



  1. MySQL has substring function, you can define like that

    select src,substring(dst,start_position,substring_length) 
    group by substring(dst,start_position,substring_length)

    I don’t know if the position is indexed by 0 or by 1 but the idea is like:

    select src, substring(dst,16,6) 
    from table_name 
    group by substring(dst,16,6)

    I hope this can help you

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  2. Use SUBSTRING_INDEX to get the between value you want to GROUP BY:

    SELECT a.src, a.dst_group_by
    FROM (SELECT src, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(dst, '/', -1), '-', 1) AS dst_group_by
          FROM sample) a
    GROUP BY a.src, a.dst_group_by


    | src        | dst_group_by  |
    | source one | dst_one       |
    | source one | dst_two       |
    | source two | dst_two       |
    | source two | dst_three     |

    Or if you want to return the DISTINCT values:

      SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(dst, '/', -1), '-', 1) AS dst_group_by
    FROM sample


    | dst_group_by  |
    | dst_one       |
    | dst_two       |
    | dst_three     |

    Fiddle here.

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