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I have 2 tables in Mysql. I want to regroup and count the Number of Orderid per month for each customer. If there is no order, I would like to add 0.

Customer Table


Order Table

OrderId  CustomerID      Date
1          1           2022-01-02
2          1           2022-01-04
3          2           2022-02-03
4          2           2022-03-03

Expect results

 CustomerID       Date       CountOrderID
    1            2022-01         2 
    2            2022-01         1
    3            2022-01         0
    1            2022-02         0 
    2            2022-02         1
    3            2022-02         0
    1            2022-03         0 
    2            2022-03         1
    3            2022-03         0

How I can do this in Mysql?



  1. you can reduce the number of cte’s I added more here to explain the steps:

    • first you need the format year and month, for that I used DATE_FORMAT() function
    • since you need to have all the combination of dates and the year month you need a cross join. This will produce all the distinct dates with all the distinct customer id’s. In other words all the pairs between dates and customer id
    • once you have a table with all the combinations you need to pass the actual data with the left join this will produce null where you actually don’t have rows and hence will produce 0 when the count is performed
    • the last step is simply count function
    with main as (
        select distinct DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m') as year_month from order
        calendar as (
        select * from customer
        cross join main
        joining_all as (
        order. OrderId
        left join order
        on calendar.CustomerID = order.CustomerID
        and calendar.year_month = DATE_FORMAT(,'%Y-%m')
        year_month as Date,
        count(OrderId) as CountOrderID
        from joining_all
        group by 1,2
    • maybe the shorter version can work with the code below. if runs into syntax you can use the one above
    with main as (
    select distinct DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m') as year_month from order
    cross join customer
        main.year_month as Date,
        count(order.OrderId) as CountOrderID
        from main
        left join order
        on main.CustomerID = order.CustomerID
        and main.year_month = DATE_FORMAT(,'%Y-%m')
    group by 1,2
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  2. SELECT customer.CustomerID,
           year_month.y_m AS `Date`,
           COUNT(order.OrderId) AS CountOrderID
    FROM customer
        SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%Y-%m') AS y_m
        FROM order 
        ) AS year_month
    LEFT JOIN order ON order.CustomerID = customer.CustomerID
                   AND DATE_FORMAT(order.`date`, '%Y-%m') = year_month.y_m
    GROUP BY 1, 2;

    If order table does not contains for some year and month then according row won’t present in the output. If you need in it then you’d generate calendar table instead of year_month subquery.

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