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I have a stored procedure that runs every one hour to generate a summary of the transactions that happened in the service. The stored procedure reads the data from a table called transaction_log and populates(insert or updates rows) another table called transaction_log_summary. There is no connection between the tables on a constraint level, ie no foreign key references etc. But for some reason when the stored procedure runs for the first time in a day and if a new insert query is also executed on the transaction_log at the same time, the insert statement failes with Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction error. The default isolation level used here is REPEATABLE READ (innoDB). How can a read operation lock the table from new rows being inserted?

Sharing the stored procedure and the related code below.

Function used to update the entries in the summary table

CREATE PROCEDURE func_update_summary(IN date_param DATE, IN last_summary_index BIGINT)
    -- Update the summary for the input date with logs having newer ids 
        UPDATE transaction_log_summary tls
        JOIN (
                DATE(created_at) AS date,
                SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'NATS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_NATS,
                SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'SQS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_SQS,
                SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'API' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_API,
                SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'SUCCESS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_SUCCESS,
                SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'FAILURE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_FAILURE,
                SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'SKIPPED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_SKIPPED,
                MAX(id) AS last_transaction_log_index
                DATE(created_at) = date_param
                AND id > last_summary_index
            GROUP BY 
        ) AS temp ON =
            tls.channel_NATS = tls.channel_NATS + temp.channel_NATS,
            tls.channel_SQS = tls.channel_SQS + temp.channel_SQS,
            tls.channel_API = tls.channel_API + temp.channel_API,
            tls.status_SUCCESS = tls.status_SUCCESS + temp.status_SUCCESS,
            tls.status_FAILURE = tls.status_FAILURE + temp.status_FAILURE,
            tls.status_SKIPPED = tls.status_SKIPPED + temp.status_SKIPPED,
            tls.last_transaction_log_index = temp.last_transaction_log_index
   = date_param;


Stored procedure that performs date checks and updates the values using the above function


CREATE PROCEDURE proc_update_transaction_log_summary()
    DECLARE present_date DATE;
    DECLARE last_summary_date DATE;
    DECLARE last_summary_index BIGINT;
    DECLARE last_log_index BIGINT;
    DECLARE has_records INT;

    DECLARE error_code INT;
    DECLARE error_msg VARCHAR(255);

    DECLARE lock_acquired INT DEFAULT 0;

    -- Try to acquire the named lock immediately
    SET lock_acquired = GET_LOCK('update_summary_lock', 0); -- 0 means try to acquire immediately
    IF lock_acquired = 1 THEN
                GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 error_code = MYSQL_ERRNO, error_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT;
                SELECT CONCAT('Error ', error_code, ': ', error_msg);
                DO RELEASE_LOCK('update_summary_lock');

            SET present_date = CURDATE();
            -- Get the last index and date from transaction_log_summary table
            SELECT last_transaction_log_index, date INTO last_summary_index, last_summary_date
            FROM transaction_log_summary
            ORDER BY date DESC
            LIMIT 1;

            -- If last summary date is less than current date, update the summary
            IF last_summary_date < present_date THEN
                    -- Get the last index from the transaction log for the last_summary_date
                    SELECT MAX(id) INTO last_log_index FROM transaction_log 
                    WHERE DATE(created_at) = last_summary_date;

                    IF last_log_index > last_summary_index THEN
                        CALL func_update_summary(last_summary_date, last_summary_index);
                    END IF;
                    -- Check if there are records for the present date
                    SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM transaction_log WHERE DATE(created_at) =
                    CURRENT_DATE LIMIT 1) INTO has_records;

                    IF has_records THEN
                        -- Insert new record in the summary table for the current date
                        INSERT INTO transaction_log_summary (date, channel_NATS, channel_SQS, channel_API, status_SUCCESS, status_FAILURE, status_SKIPPED, last_transaction_log_index)
                        SELECT present_date,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'NATS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_NATS,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'SQS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_SQS,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN channel = 'API' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS channel_API,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'SUCCESS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_SUCCESS,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'FAILURE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_FAILURE,
                            SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'SKIPPED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS status_SKIPPED,
                            MAX(id) AS last_transaction_log_index
                        FROM transaction_log
                        WHERE DATE(created_at) = present_date;

                        -- Insert new record in the summary table for the present date with last index from previous day
                        INSERT INTO transaction_log_summary (date,  last_transaction_log_index)
                        SELECT present_date, MAX(id) AS last_transaction_log_index
                        FROM transaction_log;

                    END IF;
                    -- Get the last index from the transaction log for the last_summary_date
                    SELECT MAX(id) INTO last_log_index FROM transaction_log 
                    WHERE DATE(created_at) = present_date;
                    -- Check if there are new entries in the log table
                    IF last_log_index > last_summary_index THEN
                        CALL func_update_summary(present_date, last_summary_index);
                    END IF;
            END IF;
            SELECT ''; -- empty msg utilised by app layer to identify successful end of execution
            DO RELEASE_LOCK('update_summary_lock');
    END IF;



Event scheduled to execute the procedure every one hour

CREATE EVENT job_update_transaction_log_summary
    CALL proc_update_transaction_log_summary();

Also, observed that in one of the deployment environment where the stored procedures isolation level was updated as READ COMMITTED, we didnt face the issue.
ie within the stored procedure, before the transaction is started, we set the isolation level.


But how come a read operation cause this issue? And did this setting of the distinct isolation level for stored procedure really solve the issue or will we encounter the issue in a different use case?



  1. Any read query executed as part of a DML statement (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) is implicitly a locking read. says:

    INSERT INTO T SELECT ... FROM S WHERE ... sets an exclusive index
    record lock (without a gap lock) on each row inserted into T. If the
    transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED, InnoDB does the search
    on S as a consistent read (no locks). Otherwise, InnoDB sets shared
    next-key locks on rows from S. InnoDB has to set locks in the latter
    case: During roll-forward recovery using a statement-based binary log,
    every SQL statement must be executed in exactly the same way it was
    done originally.

    CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ... performs the SELECT with shared next-key
    locks or as a consistent read, as for INSERT ... SELECT.

    When a SELECT is used in the constructs REPLACE INTO t SELECT ... FROM s WHERE ... or UPDATE t ... WHERE col IN (SELECT ... FROM s ...),
    InnoDB sets shared next-key locks on rows from table s.

    That manual page doesn’t list the cases explicitly, but this also affects cases like:

    SELECT ... INTO @var;
    SET @var = (SELECT ...);
    Foreign key checks
    SELECT inside a DML trigger

    As you discovered, using READ COMMITTED eliminates the need to create those implicit locks, and this is what the manual says.

    Re your comments:

    These statements may help clarify:

    • Read queries (i.e. a SELECT statement that is not part of another DML statement) don’t acquire row locks in any transaction isolation level.

    • Read queries that are part of a DML statement (like the subquery in your UPDATE statement), or which set variables, do acquire shared row locks if you use REPEATABLE READ, but do not acquire row locks if you use READ COMMITTED.

    • Row locks last only until the end of the transaction, not the procedure. A procedure may start and commit one or more transactions. Or a procedure may not commit, so the transaction remains active after the procedure returns.

    • User-level locks acquired with GET_LOCK() are not the same as row locks. These are implemented outside the InnoDB storage engine, and have nothing to do with transactions. These user-level locks are held until released with RELEASE_LOCK() or until your session ends. Again, this is not related to the procedure scope, and is not related to transaction isolation level.

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  2. WHERE DATE(created_at) = date_param

    is not sargable , If created_at is a DATE, then simply do created_at = date_param. If it is a DATETIME, then

    WHERE created_at >= date_param
      AND created_at  < date_param + INTERVAL 1 DAY

    Similarly, it seems that

    GROUP BY  DATE(created_at)

    can be removed since only one date is involved.

    These, plus other things smell like the ‘wrong’ way to do summarization; see Summary Tables

    Of note, I would expect you to be using INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...

    lock_acquired, etc, worries me. Is it possible for the proc to run for more than an hour? If so, doesn’t it mess up with with date_param sometimes being across midnight? (The IODKU aluded to above solves that problem gracefully.) Simply "remembering where you left off" should be a clue of how to avoid needing a transaction.

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