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I want a regular expression which I can use on MySQL.

  • The string I’m looking for must be contained outside the brackets.
  • brackets don’t have nesting.(if exists, I don’t care result)
  • brackets have beginning and ending.(if exists, I don’t care result)

Let be "3" the word I’m looking for. This changes every time.

target string result
1 [123] not match
2 123 match
3 [123]123 match
4 not match
5 [123][123] not match
6 [123]123[123] match
7 [[123]] not exist (nesting)
8 123[123 not exist (no ending)
create table my_table(id integer,text varchar(128));
insert into my_table(id,text) values 
select * from my_table where text REGEXP "3";



  1. You can try this !

    For REGEXP :

    SELECT * 
    FROM my_table 
    WHERE text REGEXP '(^|[^\[][^\]]*)3([^\[][^\]]*|$)';

    For Sql Server:

    SELECT *
    FROM my_table
    WHERE CHARINDEX('3', text) > 0
    AND (
        CHARINDEX('3', text) < CHARINDEX('[', text)
        OR CHARINDEX('3', text) > CHARINDEX(']', text)
        OR CHARINDEX('[', text) = 0 
        OR CHARINDEX(']', text) = 0 
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  2. Here’s the trick, I used subquery to remove all those fields with valid [text] format, then applied a filter.

    select t1.res from (
    select id, regexp_replace(text, '\[[^]]*\]', '') res
    from my_table) t1
    where locate(']', t1.res)  = 0 && locate('[', t1.res)  = 0 and ifnull(t1.res, '') != ''
    and t1.res REGEXP '3'
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