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I want to remove two plus(+) sign from phone number field and add just one plus sign.

For eg: The phone number can be in any of these formats:

(+) (+911) 24234324324324
++091787534 5303
(++91) 9711931220`

Desired Output:

(+911) 24234324324324
+091787534 5303
(+91) 9711931220`

Below is the query that I am using

**replace((TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM (REGEXP_REPLACE(channel_value, '[]\[!@#$%.&*~^_{}:;<>/\|()+-]', '')))),' ' ,'')**

Waiting for your suggestions.

Thank you.



  1. To achieve your desired output in SQL, you can use a combination of string manipulation functions and regular expressions. Here’s how you can modify your query:

            -- If phone number starts with two '+' signs, remove one
            WHEN channel_value LIKE '++%' THEN
                CONCAT('+', SUBSTRING(channel_value, 3))
            -- If phone number starts with a single '+' sign, keep as is
            WHEN channel_value LIKE '+%' THEN
            -- If phone number doesn't start with a '+', add one at the beginning
                CONCAT('+', channel_value)
        END AS normalized_phone_number

    This query checks the format of the phone number in the channel_value column. If it starts with two ‘+’ signs, it removes one. If it starts with a single ‘+’ sign, it keeps it as is. If it doesn’t start with a ‘+’, it adds one at the beginning. This way, you achieve your desired output format directly in SQL.

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  2. replace this pattern: (()?(?:+)?s?(?){2}

    with: $1+


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