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Good morning, starting from the following database table

ID start end each_month
1 2024-03-03 2030-01-01 2
2 2024-04-03 2030-01-01 1

I need a query that, starting from this row, returns the following resultset, if I search events between 2024-02-01 and 2024-07-31 will returns the following (calculated) rows

ID start
1 2024-03-03
1 2024-05-03
1 2024-07-03
2 2024-04-03
2 2024-05-03
2 2024-06-03
2 2024-07-03

Thank you all for helping me.



  1. Unfortunately, your description is very imprecise and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Could you please formulate this a little more precisely, in particular how the calculation should work exactly.

    I don’t think you will be able to solve this problem with SQL alone. You could perhaps try a stored procedure. However, it is probably a better approach not to execute the calculation routine directly on the database.

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  2. You use a recursive CTE to calculate the repeated dates up through the end of your search range, then select from that:

    with recursive expanded_events as (
        select id, start as orig_start, end, each_month,
            start, 1 as counter
        from events
        where start <= '2024-07-31'
        union all
        select id, orig_start, end, each_month,
            orig_start + interval counter*each_month month, counter+1
        from expanded_events
            orig_start + interval counter*each_month month <= least(end,'2024-07-31')
    select id, start
    from expanded_events
    where start between '2024-02-02' and '2024-07-31'
    order by id, start

    (Note that with adding months to dates it is important to use a separate counter, not iteratively add a number of months, otherwise you will get incorrect results when the day does not exist in all months.)


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