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I’m trying to get a distinct count of multiple columns grouped by another column, but I want the results to only include counts greater than ONE. So if I have the following:

FROM cast
ORDER BY cast_characters, cast_identities, cast_roles
cast_characters cast_identities cast_roles
Barry William Hero
Barry William Hero
Barry Scott Hero
Barry Scott Hero
Alice Susan Villain
Jerry Smith Villain
Jerry Smith Villain
Carlos Salvador Supporting
Carlos Salvador Supporting

As I’d like to count by unique roles over ONE, based on the above, "Hero" should have two counts with Barry/William and Barry/Scott. "Villain", should have one count, with Jerry/Smith (Alice/Susan should be ignored, as there’s only one instance of her), and "Supporting" should have one with Carlos/Salvador. So I tried this and want:

SELECT cast_roles, COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(cast_characters, cast_identities, cast_roles)) AS 'cnt'
FROM cast
GROUP BY cast_roles
HAVING cnt > 1;
cast_roles cnt
Hero 2
Villains 1
Supporting 1

But I get…

cast_roles cnt
Hero 2
Villains 2
Supporting 1

So pretty close, but it looks like it’s counting all distinct characters/identities/roles regardless of how many instances. Indeed, when I remove the "having" element from the query, I get the same results, so it doesn’t seem to be doing anything, though it doesn’t give me an error message, either.

What am I missing?



  1. This sub query might help get the results you want

    SELECT cast_roles, COUNT(DISTINCT cast_characters, cast_identities) as cnt
    SELECT *
    FROM cast
    GROUP BY cast_characters, cast_identities, cast_roles
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
      ) t
    GROUP BY cast_roles


    cast_roles cnt
    Hero 2
    Supporting 1
    Villain 1
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  2. You should start with a subquery that removes all non-duplicated rows from the original data. Then get the per-role counts from that.

    SELECT cast_roles, COUNT(DISTINCT cast_characters, cast_identities) AS cnt
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM cast
        GROUP BY cast_characters, cast_identities, cast_roles
        HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
    ) AS multiples
    GROUP BY cast_roles


    cast_roles  cnt
    Hero        2
    Supporting  1
    Villain     1


    Note that you shouldn’t include the column you’re grouping by in the COUNT(DISTINCT ...) expression.

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