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Table01 with columns

| Id1 | CommaSeparated |
| 1   | 1,2,3          |
| 2   | 4              |
| 3   | 7,8            |

Table02 with columns

| Id2 | SomeValue   |
| 1   | Value01     |
| 7   | Value02     |
| 8   | Value03     |

This works: SELECT SomeValue FROM Table02 WHERE Id2 IN(7,8);. Get Value02 and Value03.

But SELECT SomeValue FROM Table02 WHERE Id2 IN( SELECT CommaSeparated FROM Table01 WHERE Id1 = ? ); does not work (get only Value02). Because it takes only the first character/integer from 7,8.

Tried this

SELECT SomeValue FROM Table02 WHERE FIND_IN_SET ( Id2, ( SELECT CommaSeparated FROM Table01 WHERE Id1 = 3 ) ) > 0;

But returns no results…

Any ideas how to solve? Or better to create another table where "connect" the both tables ("normalize data")?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Solution, using "linking" table.


    | Id | Id1 | Id2 |
    | 1  | 3   | 7   |
    | 2  | 3   | 8   |


    | Id1 | CommaSeparated |
    | 1   | 1,2,3          |
    | 2   | 4              |
    | 3   | 7,8            |


    | Id2 | SomeValue   |
    | 1   | Value01     |
    | 7   | Value02     |
    | 8   | Value03     |

    And sql like this SELECT SomeValue FROM Table02 WHERE Id2 IN( SELECT Id2 FROM LinkingTable WHERE Id1 = 3 );

    Only need to change code, while inserting into Table02, need to insert also into LinkingTable and use/take Id1 from Table01

    Or in my case, i anyway need to select data from Table01. So another solution SELECT CommaSeparated FROM Table01 WHERE Id1 = 3; For example, result name as $arr_result.


    SELECT SomeValue FROM Table02 WHERE Id2 IN( '. 
    rtrim( str_repeat( '?,', count(explode( ',', trim($arr_result[0]['CommaSeparated ']) )) ), ',' ). 

    If i use LinkingTable, i also get "waste of resources". Because in LinkingTable need to insert modified lastInsertId from Table02 and Id from Table01.

    The third solution (a bit "crazy").

    $sql_select = '
    ( SELECT `T02`.`SomeValue` 
    FROM Table01 `T01` 
    INNER JOIN Table02 `T02` 
    ON FIND_IN_SET( `T02`.`Id2`, `T01`.`CommaSeparated` ) 
    WHERE `T01`.`Id1 ` = 3 AND <another condition>
    , "empty first value" ) ) 
    ( SELECT `T02`.`SomeValue` 
    FROM Table01 `T01` 
    INNER JOIN Table02 `T02` 
    ON FIND_IN_SET( `T02`.`Id2`, `T01`.`CommaSeparated` ) 
    WHERE `T01`.`Id1 ` = 3 AND <another condition>
    , "empty second value" ) ) 

    And $arr_select = $stmt_select->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

    Get one dimensional array. May use if know maximum number of values (how many values, so many union).

    At the moment conclusion is that LinkingTable solution would be better (less possibility to get something unexpected and, yes, seems in total uses less system resources) ...

  2. You can do it using with and json_table to transfrom comma separated string to rows :

       with t1 as (
       select Id1, CommaSeparated
           from table01
        select t2.SomeValue
        from t1
        join json_table(
          replace(json_array(t1.CommaSeparated), ',', '","'),
          '$[*]' columns (CommaSeparated varchar(50) path '$')
        ) t
        join table02 t2 on t2.Id2 = t.CommaSeparated
        where t1.Id1 = 3

    Demo here

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