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//night shift employee
id  from_time    to_time   task
1    21:00:00    22:00:00 - Cleaning(some task)
1    22:00:00    23:30:00 - Fumigation(can be some other task also)
1    4:00:00     7:00:00 - Disinfection
1    2:00:00     4:00:00 - Break
1    23:30:00    2:00:00 - Fogging

//day shift employee

2  09:00:00    10:00:00 - Cleaning(some task)
2  16:00:00    18:30:00 - Disinfection
2  11:30:00    14:00:00 - Fumigation(can be some other task also)
2  14:00:00    16:00:00 - Fogging
2  10:00:00    11:30:00 - Break

I need to sort the tasks based from_time in ascending order

SELECT * FROM testing WHERE emp_id='2' ORDER BY from_time ASC

The above query works fine for day shift employee but not sorting for night shift

SELECT * FROM testing WHERE emp_id='1'
    WHEN CAST(from_time AS TIME) > '12:00:00' THEN 1
    ELSE 2
  CAST(from_time AS TIME) ASC;

The above query works fine for night shift emplyee but not sorting for day shift

How can I solve this issue?

I need one query which can sort both night shift and day shift employees tasks based on from_time.



  1. You could check the time difference between the minimum and maximum from_time per employee shift:

    SELECT *
    FROM testing t1
    JOIN (
        SELECT id, TIMEDIFF(MAX(from_time), MIN(from_time)) AS diff
        FROM testing
        GROUP BY id
    ) t2 ON =
    ORDER BY, IF(t2.diff > '12:00' AND from_time < '12:00', from_time + INTERVAL 24 HOUR, from_time);


    id from_time to_time task
    1 21:00:00 22:00:00 Cleaning(some task)
    1 22:00:00 23:30:00 Fumigation
    1 23:30:00 02:00:00 Fogging
    1 02:00:00 04:00:00 Break
    1 04:00:00 07:00:00 Disinfection
    2 09:00:00 10:00:00 Cleaning(some task)
    2 10:00:00 11:30:00 Break
    2 11:30:00 14:00:00 Fumigation(can be some other task also)
    2 14:00:00 16:00:00 Fogging
    2 16:00:00 18:30:00 Disinfection

    Here’s a db<>fiddle.

    It would be better to link to the start of the shift in some way, but this may work depending on your shift patterns.

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  2. Add date to your FROM_TIME and correct it after midnight as next day. Your Order By could have this code:

                              Case When CONVERT(SubStr(FROM_TIME, 1, INSTR(FROM_TIME, ':') - 1), DECIMAL) < 12 And 
                                        SHIFT_ID = 1
                                   Then 1 
                              Else 0 
                              End DAY), 
                     Cast(FROM_TIME as TIME))

    This adds from_time to current date and adds 1 day for ID = 1 if from time hour is less than 12. If your night shift is from 19:00 today untill 07:00 tommorrow then put < 7 instead of < 12 in case expression’s condition. Order by this is order by DATETIME.
    Sample data, SQL code and result are below:

    WITH    --  S a m p l e    D a t a :
        shift_tasks (SHIFT_ID, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, TASK) AS
            ( Select   1, '21:00:00', '22:00:00', 'Cleaning'     Union All
              Select   1, '22:00:00', '23:30:00', 'Fumigation'   Union All
              Select   1, '4:00:00',  '7:00:00',  'Disinfection' Union All
              Select   1, '2:00:00',  '4:00:00',  'Break'        Union All
              Select   1, '23:30:00', '2:00:00',  'Fogging'      Union All
              Select   2, '09:00:00', '10:00:00', 'Cleaning'     Union All
              Select   2, '16:00:00', '18:30:00', 'Disinfection' Union All
              Select   2, '11:30:00', '14:00:00', 'Fumigation'   Union All
              Select   2, '14:00:00', '16:00:00', 'Fogging'      Union All
              Select   2, '10:00:00', '11:30:00', 'Break' 
    --    S Q L :
    From     shift_tasks
    Order By SHIFT_ID, 
                              Case When CONVERT(SubStr(FROM_TIME, 1, INSTR(FROM_TIME, ':') - 1), DECIMAL) < 12 And 
                                        SHIFT_ID = 1
                                   Then 1 
                              Else 0 
                              End DAY), 
                     Cast(FROM_TIME as TIME))
    /*      R e s u l t :
    --------    ---------   ---------  ----------------------
           1    21:00:00    22:00:00   Cleaning
           1    22:00:00    23:30:00   Fumigation
           1    23:30:00    2:00:00    Fogging
           1    2:00:00     4:00:00    Break
           1    4:00:00     7:00:00    Disinfection
           2    09:00:00    10:00:00   Cleaning
           2    10:00:00    11:30:00   Break
           2    11:30:00    14:00:00   Fumigation
           2    14:00:00    16:00:00   Fogging
           2    16:00:00    18:30:00   Disinfection          */

    Without SHIFT_ID in Order By clause the result should be …

    /*      R e s u l t :
    --------    ---------   ---------  ----------------------
           2    09:00:00    10:00:00   Cleaning
           2    10:00:00    11:30:00   Break
           2    11:30:00    14:00:00   Fumigation
           2    14:00:00    16:00:00   Fogging
           2    16:00:00    18:30:00   Disinfection          
           1    21:00:00    22:00:00   Cleaning
           1    22:00:00    23:30:00   Fumigation
           1    23:30:00    2:00:00    Fogging
           1    2:00:00     4:00:00    Break
           1    4:00:00     7:00:00    Disinfection            */
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