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Given a column named fullname, how can I filter on firstname/lastname with no order ?

In the example below in javascript, the query is not valid when searching by lastname

function getQuery(searchWord){
  return `SELECT * FROM user WHERE fullname like '%${searchWord}%' `
// trying to search fullname "Elon Musk"
getQuery("Elon M") // okay
getQuery("Musk E") // no result

What is the query that allow me to find "Elon Musk" by searching by keyword "Musk Elon" ?

NB: columns firstname and lastname exists as well



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finally i resolved the problem by using some javascript.

      function getQuery(searchTerm = '') {
        // " Musk  E " => ["Musk", "E"]
        const arr = searchTerm.split(/s+/).filter((e) => e)
        // ["Musk", "E"] => (first_name like '%Musk%' or  last_name like '%Musk%') AND (first_name like '%E%' or  last_name like '%E%')
        const conditions = arr
          .map((e) => `(first_name like '%${e}%' or  last_name like '%${e}%')`)
          .join(` AND `)
        return `use SNOW select distinct sys_id, name from dbo.sys_user where ${conditions}`

  2. You can do a FULLTEXT search using MATCH AGAINST:

    SELECT * FROM user WHERE (MATCH (fullname) AGAINST ('${searchWord} IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE'))

    And you have to create a FULLTEXT search index on the column fullname

    Or you can split your searchWord by space and do LIKE '%$(searchWordPart1)%' AND LIKE '%$(searchWordPart2)%' etc.

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