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I am trying to count the number of days between two dates that are present in the same column! when the ID is are same.

Here is a sample below…

ID       Date    
a       01/12/2024    
a       01/13/2024    
b       01/12/2024    
b       01/20/2024    
b       01/25/2024    
c       01/12/2024    
c       01/12/2024    

Counted Days should appear in new column.

ID       Date        Days 
a       01/12/2024    0   
a       01/13/2024    1   
b       01/12/2024    0   
b       01/20/2024    8   
b       01/25/2024    5   
c       01/12/2024    0   
c       01/12/2024    0   

Any help is much appreciated (y).



  1. You can do it using window function LAG() to retrieve previous rows and DATEDIFF function to calculate the difference in days between two dates:

    SELECT *, DATEDIFF(dt, LAG(dt, 1, dt) OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY dt)) as Days 
    FROM mytable;

    Demo here

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  2. Does this example help?

    create table #temp(
        id varchar(10) null,
        theDate datetime null
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('a','20240112')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('a','20240113')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('b','20240112')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('b','20240120')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('b','20240125')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('c','20240112')
        insert into #temp (id, theDate) values ('c','20240112')
    select, d.theDate, case when  case when DATEDIFF(day,LAG(d.theDate) over (order by, d.theDate),d.theDate) < 0 then 0 else  DATEDIFF(day,LAG(d.theDate) over (order by, d.theDate),d.theDate) end is null then '' else case when DATEDIFF(day,LAG(d.theDate) over (order by, d.theDate),d.theDate) < 0 then 0 else  DATEDIFF(day,LAG(d.theDate) over (order by, d.theDate),d.theDate) end end Days
    from #temp d
    id  theDate                 Days
    a   2024-01-12 00:00:00.000 0
    a   2024-01-13 00:00:00.000 1
    b   2024-01-12 00:00:00.000 0
    b   2024-01-20 00:00:00.000 8
    b   2024-01-25 00:00:00.000 5
    c   2024-01-12 00:00:00.000 0
    c   2024-01-12 00:00:00.000 0
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