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I am trying to get a table of an average for a column, across multiple rows (if that makes sense).

For example, in the table below, I need to group the postcodes (as there can be more than 1 suburb to a postcode), but also group the property and rooms, to return an average across those particular rows.

Sample table:

postcode suburb property rooms price
0001 A apartment 1 100,000
0001 A apartment 2 200,000
0001 A house 1 100,000
0001 A house 2 200,000
0001 A house 3 300,000
0001 B house 1 50,000
0001 B apartment 2 150,000

Desired outcome:

property rooms avg_price
apartment 1 100,000
apartment 2 175,000
house 1 75,000
house 2 200,000
house 3 300,000

So I have averaged apartments with 2 rooms across the 2 suburbs, but within the 1 postcode. Likewise for 1 bedroom houses.

My attempt is below. Without the group by at the end, it returns duplicate rows, with the group by it returns 1 row.

"SELECT `property`, `rooms`, ROUND(AVG(`price`) 
OVER (PARTITION BY `property`,`rooms`),0) 
AS avg_price FROM `suburbs` WHERE `postcode` = '0001' GROUP BY `postcode`

I suspect I need to nest the postcode first, then do the partition over, but not working. Can someone please advise. Thanks in advance.



  1. Can you try this :

      AVG(price) AS avg_price
      postcode = '0001'
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  2. ;WITH AvgPrices AS (
      SELECT `property`, `rooms`, ROUND(AVG(`price`), 0) AS avgprice
        FROM `TableOne`
       WHERE `postcode` = '0001'
    GROUP BY `property`, `property`, `rooms`
    SELECT * FROM AvgPrices;
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  3. You can remove the duplicates using "Distinct" Key Word

     SELECT Distinct property, room, ROUND(AVG(price) 
        OVER (PARTITION BY property,rooms),0) 
        AS avg_price FROM `suburbs`
        WHERE postcode = '0001'
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  4. Your request is not clear. How does the postcode come into play? Your sample table shows data for one postcode only, so what would the result look like for two or more postcodes?

    Anyway, it seems you have not really understood what GROUP BY does. GROUP BY x, y, z means "I want one result row per x, y, z combination". You group by postcode, so you get one result row per postcode. As you also limit your data to postcode ‘0001’, you get one result row of course.

    You also confuse aggregation functions where you condense your data to less rows and show the average (AVG), sum (SUM), whatever per group, with analytic functions, where you keep the original rows and add an aggregation gained from the result data set, for which you use AVG OVER, SUM OVER etc.

    You want aggregation. You don’t want to show the original rows from the table, but group rows per property and rooms.

    Now to the postcode. What do you want to do? Do you want to select data for postcode ‘0001’ only and show one result row per property and rooms? Then

      ROUND(AVG(price), 0) AS avg_price
    FROM suburbs
    WHERE postcode = '0001'
    GROUP BY property, rooms
    ORDER BY property, rooms;

    Or do you want to show this for all postcodes separately? Then you must select the postcode along and put it in your GROUP BY clause, so as to get one result row per postcode, property and rooms.

      ROUND(AVG(price), 0) AS avg_price
    FROM suburbs
    GROUP BY postcode, property, rooms
    ORDER BY postcode, property, rooms;

    I should add that your query is invalid as can be seen here: You group by postcode, but you select property and rooms. There can be more than one property and rooms for a postcode, so which would you want to select? You say that you can run your query and get one result row. This indicates that you are running MySQL in a cheat mode that allows you to write invalid GROUP BY queries. It is all the more surprising that your version suppports window function (aka analytic functions). If I remember correctly, window functions got introduced in MySQL 8, and the cheat mode that was the default in earlier versions was no longer the default then. Have you deliberately removed the default ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY from the modes? Never do this. Always have ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY switched on when working with MySQL, no matter which version. Otherwise the DBMS will let you write invalid queries as in your example and not warn you about it.

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