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I have a table mytable with name, department, rating


a, d1, 3
b, d1, 5
c, d1, 10
a1, d2, 4
a2, d2, 1
a3, d2, 5

I want the output to group the output by department and pick the one with highest rating and display like this:

c, d1, 10
a3, d2, 5

I tried like this:

select name, department, max(rating) from mytab
group by department. 

But this query is wrong as I need to add name also to group by clause. What is the right way to solve this.



  1. This will give you all the records with max rating within a department, so if two have the max rating, you will see both.

    In the subquery you get the max values per department and then you just select all records with that value

    select mytable.*
    FROM  mytable
       JOIN (SELECT department, MAX(rating) AS rating 
             FROM mytable 
             GROUP BY department) maxvals
       USING (department, rating)
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  2. A simple query that i can crate is:

    SELECT * 
    FROM myTable
    GROUP BY department
    HAVING MAX(rating)

    A website that explain very well this concept is this.

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