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I have a SQL table with the following data:

| Name     | Colour             | Shape            | 
| -------- | ------------------ | ---------------- |
| Bob      | Blue, Green        | Circle, Square   |
| Phil     | Yellow             |                  |
| Steve    | Green, Orange, Red | Square, Triangle |

I want to create a view/table of it which looks like:

| Name     | Colour | Shape    | 
| -------- | -------| ---------|
| Bob      | Blue   | Circle   |
| Bob      | Blue   | Square   |
| Bob      | Green  | Circle   |
| Bob      | Green  | Square   |
| Phil     | Yellow |          |
| Steve    | Green  | Square   |
| Steve    | Green  | Triangle |
| Steve    | Orange | Square   |
| Steve    | Orange | Triangle |
| Steve    | Red    | Square   |
| Steve    | Red    | Triangle |

Does anyone know how to do this?

I’ve tried to split the multiple value data into multiple rows using a distinct union, but it’s failing to generate the correct result.



  1. You need to convert the comma-separated values into JSON format and then use the JSON_TABLE() function to separate the data in the Colour and Shape columns into multiple rows.

    select t.Name, c.Colour, s.Shape
    from mytable t
    join json_table(
      replace(json_array(t.Colour), ',', '","'),
      '$[*]' columns (Colour varchar(50) path '$')
    ) c
    join json_table(
      replace(json_array(t.Shape), ',', '","'),
      '$[*]' columns (Shape varchar(50) path '$')
    ) s;

    Demo here

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  2. I made the assumption that you have “dictionaries” for color and shape. In this case, you have data to join with a comma-separated list.

    SELECT DISTINCT, c.colour, s.shape
    FROM rawdata AS r
    LEFT JOIN colours AS c ON FIND_IN_SET(c.colour, r.colour)
    LEFT JOIN shapes AS s ON FIND_IN_SET(s.shape, r.shape)
    ORDER BY ASC, c.colour ASC, s.shape ASC

    Demo here

    P.S. I didn’t care about spaces in CSV. This could make the query more verbose. I left only what expresses the essence. Sorry.

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