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Mysql stored procedure is not returning any out put wnen execute as a stored procedure. but when i execute as separate sql statement for every out parameter its returning output . can u please help me the reason as i am new to this mySQL .

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `ShopBusinessFunctions`(IN `shopid` VARCHAR(15), OUT `referalcount` INT, OUT `starscount` INT, OUT `WalletBalance` DECIMAL(10,2), OUT `TodaysBusiness` DECIMAL(10,2), OUT `CurMonthBusiness` DECIMAL(10,2), OUT `CurYearBusiness` DECIMAL(10,2))
  DECLARE v_idRoom INT;
  DECLARE v_maxAvailable INT;
  DECLARE walletamount DECIMAL(10,2);
  DECLARE toozocommission DECIMAL(10,2);

SELECT walletamount = sum(Amount) FROM shopswallet where shopid=shopid and isapproved =1;

SELECT toozocommission = sum(Amount) FROM shopspurchasewallet where shopid=shopid;

set WalletBalance  = walletamount - toozocommission ;

select TodaysBusiness = sum(Amount) from shopspurchasewallet   
where date_format(date_entered, '%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') and shopid=shopid;

select CurMonthBusiness = sum(Amount) from shopspurchasewallet   
where date_format(date_entered, '%Y-%m') = date_format(now(), '%Y-%m') and shopid=shopid;

select CurYearBusiness = sum(Amount) from shopspurchasewallet   
where date_format(date_entered, '%Y') = date_format(now(), '%Y') and shopid=shopid;

select count(ReferalID) from shops where ReferalID= shopid;

select starscount = count(starratings) from customerpurchaseentry where shopid =shopid;


When i execute as single sql statement for each output parameter its returning output .
Plese help me to solve this issue .



  1. Instead of using OUT parameters, you can return the values in a result set. Also, instead of using SELECT variable = COUNT(*) you should use SELECT COUNT(*) into variable.

    Here is a procedure with the fixes:

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `ShopBusinessFunctions`(
    in_shopid VARCHAR(15)
    DECLARE v_walletamount DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_toozocommission DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_WalletBalance DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_TodaysBusiness DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_CurMonthBusiness DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_CurYearBusiness DECIMAL(10,2);
    DECLARE v_ReferalID_Count int;
    DECLARE v_starscount int;
    SELECT sum(Amount), sum(if(isapproved=1,Amount,0) ) into v_walletamount, v_toozocommission 
    FROM shopspurchasewallet 
    where shopid=shopid;
    set v_WalletBalance  = v_walletamount - v_toozocommission ;
    select sum(Amount) into v_TodaysBusiness
    from shopspurchasewallet   
    where cast(date_entered as date) = current_date() and shopid=shopid;
    select sum(Amount) into v_CurMonthBusiness 
    from shopspurchasewallet   
    where date_format(date_entered, '%Y-%m') = date_format(current_date(), '%Y-%m') and shopid=shopid;
    select sum(Amount)  into v_CurYearBusiness 
    from shopspurchasewallet   
    where year(date_entered) = year(current_date()) and shopid=shopid;
    select count(ReferalID) into v_ReferalID_Count
    from shops 
    where ReferalID= shopid;
    select count(starratings) into v_starscount 
    from customerpurchaseentry 
    where shopid =shopid;
      v_ReferalID_Count as 'referalcount',
      v_starscount as 'starscount',
      v_WalletBalance as 'WalletBalance',
      v_TodaysBusiness as 'TodaysBusiness',
      v_CurMonthBusiness as 'CurMonthBusiness',
      v_CurYearBusiness as 'CurYearBusiness';

    And you can call the procedure and fetch the results:

    $sql = 'CALL ShopBusinessFunctions(:in_shopid)'; 
    $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); 
    $stmt->bindParam(':in_shopid', $shopid, PDO::PARAM_STR); 
    $results = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    The $results will then hold the result for the procedure.

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  2. SELECT 
        ( SELECT sum(Amount) FROM shopswallet WHERE ... ) - 
          ( SELECT sum(Amount) FROM shopspurchasewallet WHERE ...) 
             AS walletamount,
        ( select sum(Amount) FROM ... ) AS v_TodaysBusiness, 
        ( select sum(Amount) FROM ... ) AS v_CurMonthBusiness,

    No DECLAREs are needed. That outer SELECT has no FROM.

    Then, expect the CALL to return a single 6-column row.

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