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I’m trying to figure out how to get a sum of value by transaction dates over a 90 day period and repeated over a single year’s worth of transaction dates.

This is what I have

transaction_date value
01-01-2024 20
02-01-2024 50
03-01-2024 30

With the intended outcome of:

transaction_date date_diff value
01-01-2024 03-10-2023 (20+ all transaction date value between 03-10-2023 and 01-01-2023
02-01-2024 04-10-2023 20 + 50 + predated value
03-01-2024 05-10-2023 20 + 50 + 30 + predated value

For date_diff, I got the date via:

(transaction_date) – 90 DAYs as date_diff90



  1. Try to using a self join and Interval function
    I did n’t test yet but it should be something like that

        DATE_SUB(t1.transaction_date, INTERVAL 90 DAY) AS date_diff,
        SUM(t2.value) AS value
        transactions t1
        transactions t2
        t2.transaction_date BETWEEN DATE_SUB(t1.transaction_date, INTERVAL 90 DAY) AND t1.transaction_date

    Using Interval 90 day to calculate previous 90 days

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  2. A simple correlated subquery will do.

    create table test(transaction_date date,value int);
    insert test values
    ('2024-01-01',  20),
    ('2024-01-02',  80),
    ('2024-01-03',  30),
    ('2024-02-01',  10),
    ('2024-02-02',  50),
    ('2024-03-03',  40),
    ('2024-03-05',  20),
    ('2024-04-02',  150),
    ('2024-04-03',  30),
    ('2024-05-04',  20),
    ('2024-05-05',  250),
    ('2024-06-03',  30),
    ('2024-06-04',  20),
    ('2024-07-02',  250),
    ('2024-07-10',  130)
    select * from test;
    --result set:
    | transaction_date | value |
    | 2024-01-01       |    20 |
    | 2024-01-02       |    80 |
    | 2024-01-03       |    30 |
    | 2024-02-01       |    10 |
    | 2024-02-02       |    50 |
    | 2024-03-03       |    40 |
    | 2024-03-05       |    20 |
    | 2024-04-02       |   150 |
    | 2024-04-03       |    30 |
    | 2024-05-04       |    20 |
    | 2024-05-05       |   250 |
    | 2024-06-03       |    30 |
    | 2024-06-04       |    20 |
    | 2024-07-02       |   250 |
    | 2024-07-10       |   130 |

    Here is the query:

    select transaction_date,
    date_sub(transaction_date,interval +90 day) as date_diff,
    (select sum(value) from test where transaction_date between date_sub(t.transaction_date,interval +90 day) and t.transaction_date ) as value
    from test t;
    -- result set:
    | transaction_date | date_diff  | value |
    | 2024-01-01       | 2023-10-03 |    20 |
    | 2024-01-02       | 2023-10-04 |   100 |
    | 2024-01-03       | 2023-10-05 |   130 |
    | 2024-02-01       | 2023-11-03 |   140 |
    | 2024-02-02       | 2023-11-04 |   190 |
    | 2024-03-03       | 2023-12-04 |   230 |
    | 2024-03-05       | 2023-12-06 |   250 |
    | 2024-04-02       | 2024-01-03 |   300 |
    | 2024-04-03       | 2024-01-04 |   300 |
    | 2024-05-04       | 2024-02-04 |   260 |
    | 2024-05-05       | 2024-02-05 |   510 |
    | 2024-06-03       | 2024-03-05 |   500 |
    | 2024-06-04       | 2024-03-06 |   500 |
    | 2024-07-02       | 2024-04-03 |   600 |
    | 2024-07-10       | 2024-04-11 |   700 |
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