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What I am trying to do is to get the same column result twice with a single query.

SELECT appellation FROM persona WHERE character_id IN (853,12,853) ORDER BY FIELD(character_id,853,12,853)

This returns the result:

character_id | appellation
853          | John Cena
12           | Chris Brown

But what I am looking for to return is:

character_id | appellation
853          | John Cena
12           | Chris Brown
853          | John Cena

Is there a way in MySQL to get that result?



  1. You can achieve this result using UNION:

    SELECT * FROM (    
        SELECT character_id, appellation, CONCAT(character_id, '-1') AS identifier FROM persona WHERE character_id IN (853,12)
        SELECT character_id, appellation, CONCAT(character_id, '-2') AS identifier FROM persona WHERE character_id IN (853) 
    ) AS tmp ORDER BY FIELD(tmp.character_id, 853,12,853)

    It seems strange that you want the same row twice though…

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  2. To do this, you can provide a values table and join persona from it:

    select character_id,appallation
    from (select null cid where 0 union all values row(853),row(12),row(853)) cids
    join persona on character_id=cid

    (left join if you want rows even if there’s no matching persona)

    The select...where 0 is just to give the column a meaningful name.


    Note that you will not necessarily get them in the order specified in the list; to do that you need to provide something to order on:

    select character_id,appallation
    from (select null cid, null roworder where 0 union all values row(853,1),row(12,2),row(853,3)) cids
    join persona on character_id=cid
    order by roworder
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