update loan l
inner join (
select LoanId, sum(Amount) as Amount
from loanpayment
where LoanId = pLoanId
) as lp on l.Id = lp.LoanId
set l.CurBalance = OriginalAmount + TermMonths *(OriginalAmount * MonthlyRate/100)
- coalesce(lp.Amount,0)
where l.Id = pLoanId ;
The CurBalance is not being updated when I change the TermMonths. Am I missing something ?
Thanks. I am on mysql 7 and 8.
You can try running a simplified version of the query to see if it updates the
correctly. For example, try updatingCurBalance
to a fixed value without involving the TermMonths or other calculations.I think P.Salmon is right.
In the subquery try to had a GROUP BY LoanId.