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I have following timeseries data table,

Id Object_Id Datetime Sensor1 Sensor2
1 175 ‘2022-03-24 22:01:00’ 0 0
2 175 ‘2022-03-24 22:02:00’ 0 0
3 175 ‘2022-03-24 22:03:00’ 5.5699381666667 81.342836833333
4 175 ‘2022-03-24 22:04:00’ 5.5668366666667 81.281143
48 175 ‘2022-03-24 22:48:00’ NULL NULL

in above table, I have sensor1, sensor2 upto sensor1000 columns and each has millions of time series records.


I want to retrieve starttime(min datetime) and endtime(max datetime) records for multiple sensors eg. sensor1 & sensor2 where their value IS NOT NULL.

I constructed below query for Sensor1,

    sensor1 IS NOT NULL
    datetime ASC limit 1)

Union ALL

    sensor1 IS NOT NULL
    datetime DESC limit 1)

I constructed below query for Sensor2,

    sensor2 IS NOT NULL
    datetime ASC limit 1)

Union ALL

    sensor2 IS NOT NULL
    datetime DESC limit 1)

This query works as expected. Pls observe that I created individual query for sensor1 and sensor2 as I want to handle failure scenario for individual sensor.

Problem is in real life scenario, I have millions of records, around 50 to 70 GB data.

When I run above query (for just sensor1 & sensor2), it takes significant amount of time to return the result. What if user is trying with multiple sensors. Trust me it takes time and we can observe it in real implementation.

In this DEMO it works smoothly as It has only 150 records.

I need help to improve/optimize the performance of this above query.

FYI, for each requested sensor, query is prepared in Node/express app and then app connects to MYSql server where I execute each query using for loop

const queryResults = await Promise.all( (query) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
          db.query(query, [], (err, result) => {
            if (err) {

              return resolve([]);                // If individual query fails then return empty array
            } else {
              return resolve(result);



  1. This would run twice as fast (but have different output):

    SELECT  datetime, id, sensor1, sensor2
        FROM  timeseries
        WHERE  sensor1 IS NOT NULL
           OR  sensor2 IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY  datetime ASC
        limit  1

    I suspect that your "sensor1" and "sensor2" could be any of 1…1000? If that is the case, there is no way to use "sensorN" in an index.

    So, the best you can do with indexing (either for UNION or my suggestion) is INDEX(datetime). Slightly better would be to have datetime as the first column of the PRIMARY KEY, but I do not like that. I would prefer dropping id` and having

    PRIMARY KEY(object_id, sensor_num, datetime)

    and make sure that there are no duplicate datetime values. Note that DATETIME will have 60 minutes of dups once a year! — Consider using TIMESTAMP instead.

    Only very rarely are the 16 digits of precision of CDOUBLE needed; suggest changing to FLOAT to cut the table size almost in half. (Double: 8 bytes; Float: 4 bytes, 7 significant digits).

    If there are lots of NULLs and/or the number of sensors keeps growing, I strongly recommend switching to fewer columns and more rows:

    object_id, sensor_num, timestamp, float_value

    Don’t store NULLs. Do have the first 3 columns as the `PRIMARY KEY’.

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  2. In addition to what Rick suggests, you might try adding these indexes to accelerate your original query examples.

    CREATE INDEX s1dt ON timeseries (sensor1, datetime);
    CREATE INDEX s2dt ON timeseries (sensor2, datetime);

    They may help. They definitely generate index-employing execution plans on your test data set rather than table scans.

    There are more elaborate solutions involving indexes on computed columns and that sort of thing. But try this first.

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