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I have a problem with this stored procedure in a local database, in SQL. This procedure as is informs a list of all employees, ordered by their id (legajo) or name(nombre_empleado), based on a user input which is a numeric parameter(Orden).
I am trying to order the list by id or name in DESCENDING order (when Orden= 2 or 4), but I can´t figure out how to do it. I am using phpMyAdmin

SELECT * FROM empleado AS e
      INNER JOIN funcion AS f ON f.id_funcion = e.id_funcion
      INNER JOIN turno AS t ON t.id_turno = e.id_turno
      INNER JOIN convenio AS c ON c.id_convenio = e.id_convenio
     WHEN Orden = 1 THEN legajo
     WHEN Orden = 3 THEN nombre_empleado
     WHEN Orden = 2 THEN legajo
     WHEN Orden = 4 THEN nombre_empleado

I tried:
-Adding DESC in both

WHEN Orden = 2 THEN legajo DESC
WHEN Orden = 4 THEN nombre_empleado DESC

-Making two separate CASEs

     WHEN Orden = 1 THEN legajo
     WHEN Orden = 3 THEN nombre_empleado
     END ASC,
     WHEN Orden = 2 THEN legajo
     WHEN Orden = 4 THEN nombre_empleado

-Adding ELSEIF

None works, as I get an SQL syntax error. Is there a way around it? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!



  1. A case expression is going to generate a single column of data, in this case a temporary column that is used for ordering. As such, it can’t contain both a number and a string as mixing types in a column isn’t supported. Furthermore, casting the id/int to a string would cause mysql to perform lexicographical ordering, which is probably not what you want for your id column.

    Instead you could sort by ID and Name separately:

         CASE WHEN Orden IN (2,4) THEN 0 ELSE legajo END,

    That will set the id in this temporary order by column to 0 when Orden is 2 or 4 so those records get sorted before any legajo where the orden is 1or3. Then for all of those 0records, it will take a second sort ofnombre_empleado. If you want the orden in (2,4)records sorted last, then you could change that0to a number higher than anylegajo` in your table.

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  2. I think I would take a calculated (virtual column) for this and use that to order things out. Like;

    SELECT *, 
    @order_column := IF(order IN (2, 4), 'id', 'name') AS order_column, 
    IF(@order_column = 'id', 1, 2) AS order_type_column
    FROM my_table
    ORDER BY order_column IF(order_type_column = 1, 'ASC', 'DESC')

    You may need to adjust the order_type_column with some trial and error, but that is the very basic idea.

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