I have a table with a column for JSON.
Example of the JSON in the column:
“[{ “plys”: 3, “end”: 47.56, “length”: 47.56 }, { “plys”: 2, “end”: 62.97, “length”: 15.41 }]”
There are other fields in each object that are not in every object but not showing those for simplicity.
I would like to get the information in the following format. Still just a single column but objects concatenated and comma delineated for each array element.
3 – 47.56, 2 – 15.41
Could even get it in json format with something like:
[[3, 47.56], [2, 15.41]]Or
[{ “plys”: 3, “length”: 47.56 }, { “plys”: 2, “length”: 15.41 }]I am giving 3 different outputs because I don’t know what is possible and also practical.
We have a working solution but not great because the separation isn’t clear using
JSON_EXTRACT(our_column, ‘$[].plys’, ‘$[].length’)
and it puts out an array like below
[ 3, 47.56, 2, 15.41 ]As for database design, yes this should be a separate table. This was done in a rush to make it easier for querying since the front end uses the array for display and we are not using the data for any queries. This is for a simple report export to limit information. First time using a JSON column and thought this would be useful case but is not as easy to work with as we originally thought.
May the following cases help you:
Demo: https://dbfiddle.uk/esRcH3-h
Using JSON in a relational database frequently makes queries harder, not easier.