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I have three tables.

hospital_bed, patient and condition.

each hospital bed can have one patient
each patient can have many conditions, but conditions can also be null in case it is not known yet

I basically want to display all beds and patients and then in a collapsable underneath all the conditions of the patient.

For that, I need to join these three tables like this:

HospitalBed.joins(:patient).joins('JOIN condition ON = condition.patient_id')

This way I receive all beds and patients and their conditions except the patients that do not have a condition listed yet.

How do I also get them? I know this would work

HospitalBed.joins(:patient).joins('JOIN conditions')

But this generates way too many rows than necessary.

I want to get all beds and all patients no matter if they have a condition or not. All I can return are patients that have conditions but I also want the ones that do not have one (yet).

This but via the HospitalBed

Patient.left_joins(:conditions).merge(Condition.where.not(id: nil).or(Condition.where(id: nil)))



  1. Ruby on Rails will do an INNER JOIN per default when using joins with a symbol. That means only relations will be returned that have matching records on both sides.

    But when you want a JOIN to return also relations where one of the records does not exist, then you need to use an OUTER JOIN. Ruby on Rails has the left_outer_joins for those cases. But unfortunately you cannot use that method, because you will need the OUTER JOIN on a nested association.

    Therefore, in your case the best option seems to be the writing the JOIN statement yourself, like this:

      .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN conditions ON = conditions.patient_id')

    Please note that when writing the join statement manually, then you need to use the real tables names in plural like they are named in the database.

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  2. You don’t need a SQL string here. You just need to setup your associations properly:

    class HostipitalBed
      belongs_to :patient
      has_many :conditions, through: :patient

    And then you need to figure out what you actually mean by "How do I also get them?":

    HostipitalBed.joins(:conditions)        # Left inner join
    HostipitalBed.left_joins(:conditions)   # Left outer join 
    HostipitalBed.includes(:conditions)     # Loads the conditions in a separate query to avoid n+1
    HostipitalBed.eager_load(:conditions)   # Loads the conditions in a single query to avoid n+1

    Both joins and left_joins don’t actually select anything from the joined table. If you want to display the conditions you want to use include/eager load to avoid a n+1 query issue.

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