I have a DTO interface which fetches data from different tables using joins. I have made a DTO interface with the abstract getter methods something like this.
public interface HRJobsDTO {
String getEditorName();
String getEditorId();
String getBillingMonth();
Integer getEditorWordCount();
Integer getJobCount();
Integer getEmployeeGrade();
Float getGrossPayableAmount();
Float getJobBillingRate();
Float getTaxDeduction();
Float getTaxDeductionAmount();
Float getNetPayableAmount();
String getInvoiceStatus();
String getFreelanceInvoiceId();
In this interface my getFreelanceInvoiceId(); method returns a JSON Array using json_arrayagg function of mysql. I changed the datatype to String, String[] and Arraylist but it returns something like this in my response
"freelanceInvoiceId": "["4af9e342-065b-4594-9f4f-a408d5db9819/2022121-95540", "4af9e342-065b-4594-9f4f-a408d5db9819/2022121-95540", "4af9e342-065b-4594-9f4f-a408d5db9819/20221215-53817", "4af9e342-065b-4594-9f4f-a408d5db9819/20221215-53817", "4af9e342-065b-4594-9f4f-a408d5db9819/20221215-53817"]"
Is there any way to return only array with exclusion of backslashes?
You can use @Converter from JPA (implemented by hibernate also)
And references it in the pojo class as below
Basically I have list of names separated by camma (;),
The converter :
An entity that map the sql table
An interface for projection
The repository that ensure the selection and the projection
How to autowire it
how to call repository within any service
results :