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I am pretty new to rust.

I need to source a external SQL file from within rust; here is what I tried, Please refer to the Comment and line break and the error I have mentioned:

async fn test_db(
    user_name: &str,
    password: &str,
    database: &str,
    authorization_script_path: &str,
    ) -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
       let connection_string = format!("mysql://{}:{}@localhost:3306", user_name, 
let connection_url: &str = &connection_string;
let pool = Pool::new(connection_url)?;
let mut connection = pool.get_conn()?;

let create_db_query = format!("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {}", database);
let result_create = connection.query_drop(create_db_query);
println!("{:?}", result_create.unwrap());

let use_db_query = format!("USE {}", database);
let _result_query = connection.query_drop(use_db_query);
// here below I am trying to source a file using the `source` command 
let authoriztion_source_script_query = format!("source {}", &authorization_script_path);
let _result_authorization_script = connection.query_drop(authoriztion_source_script_query);

   return Ok(());

I use the follwing the following command to run my program
cargo run -- -u root -p super_secret_password -d customera_authorization -A "C:Users<some_user_name>Downloads<Some_folder>authorization.sql"

The -u flag is to pass a username for the mysql server.
The -p flag is to pass a password for the mysql server.
The -d flag is to pass a name of a database to be created
The -A flag is to pass a path to the external sql file to be sourced.

when I check for the new database, I found that the DB has been created with the proper name but the SQL file is not sourced

The error I am getting is as follows:
MySqlError { ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'source C:Users<some_user_name>Downloads<Some_folder>authorization.sql' at line 1 } Success

Note: The External SQL file has CREATE TABLE .... commands

I just want to source the external SQL file in one go.

Please guide me if possible for fixing this issue

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Thank you!



  1. Something like this exists and it’s called include_sql – it’s a macro that’s not used directly but powers other crates into providing seamless integration with queries isolated into separate SQL files. For example there’s include-postgres-sql, and ones for Oracle and SQLite are available too. There isn’t one yet available for MySQL as of this writing.

    So if the choice of the database isn’t flexible, which I assume it isn’t, your best bet appears to be parsing a .sql file with the standard tools.

    Also there’s rawsql that could help, especially if you have a bunch of queries in the same .sql file.

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  2. I have found another solution. sqlx for rust has a query_file! macro that directly sources a query from a file. sqlx supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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