I am trying to create a database use mysql workbench and I keep getting this error and my code looks fine. Not sure how I can resolve this. This is the error I am getting: Error Code: 1049. Unknown database ‘dbo’.
I have tried so many things but only the first two lines of creating and using the database works. [screenshot attached]
use employeedb;
create table dbo.Department(
DeprartmentId int AUTO_INCREMENT,
DepartmentName nvarchar(500),
PRIMARY KEY(DepartmentId)
insert into dbo.Department(DepartmentName) values ('IT');
insert into dbo.Department(DepartmentName) values ('Support');
create table dbo.Employee(
EmployeeId int AUTO_INCREMENT,
EmployeeName nvarchar(500),
Department nvarchar(500),
DateOfJoining datetime,
PhotoFileName nvarchar(500),
insert into dbo.Employee(EmployeeName,Department,DateOfJoining,PhotoFileName)
values ('John','IT','2022-11-27','anonymous.png');
select * from dbo.Employee;
Seems you are changing from MSSQL to MySQL, for MySQl do not need "dbo", just:
use employeedb;
create table Department(
DeprartmentId int AUTO_INCREMENT,
DepartmentName nvarchar(500),
PRIMARY KEY(DepartmentId)
You seem to be using SQL Server syntax, which won’t work on MySQL. Here is your script updated for MySQL: